Features of the Digital Leadership Programs

Digital leadership offers everything a business owner needs to organize and optimize his sales pipeline on Facebook. This tool does not need more sorting to find where a prospect is in the sales pipeline. You do not need to type the same thing again. The framework offers a copy and pastes option for text and links to leads. You can stop searching for who you have appointments with and when you need to call your customers or clients. This is the tool that saves the time and money that you spend on finding different things. Here are some of the modern options you can use with this tool.

  1. Sorting by labels
  2. Multiple labels
  3. Delete contacts
  4. Adding videos to Canned Messages
  5. Syncing between devices
  6. Calendar integrations
  7. One-click import of pre-made canned messages and templates
  8. Contact capture (name, phone number, email, custom fields)
  9. Export data directly to Google Sheets

It is different from the other tools because it has various unique features. All these dynamic features are designed to manage your business more effectively. Instead of disjointed data living in different files, minds, notepads, and documents, this tool helps you keep everything in a single place. In this way, you can access your documents and data very easily. All your marketing, sales, and service department can work efficiently. Learn more about the features of the Value

Proposition Canvas Template.


So, you are at ease because you can tag your contacts with the labels showing where they are in your sales pipeline, and you are free to give them a color code. It is amazing for most users because they can assign their clients a color code that the particular client can recognize.


This tool can prioritize notes and edit and create new notes for all the contacts. You get this option for all your contacts.

Name field

Users can include a field to insert the 1st name anytime and anywhere in the canned message. It can be a wonderful option for personalization.


Set your convenient schedule and notification reminder so you will not miss another appointment with Facebook contacts.

Global templates

Users have the option to make the categories of their canned responses.

Canned responses

These are the messages that you type over and over again. Save them as a canned message so you can send them with the click of a button, such as images and emojis.

Backup your data

You can import and back up your data using this system.


As a CSV file, you can export your data without any hassle

Track your customers

Customer tracking with jobs to be done helps uphold your lead generation and sakes effort and loyalty; however, how it does so can greatly rely on your plan of action and your business objectives. If you need the information to give you a complete picture, search for the digital tool that incorporates any social platforms you use, just as a Business Manager.