7w Challenges That Mobile Learning Poses And How To Overcome Them

Only a handful of technologies have changed and progressed as much as mobile devices have in recent years. With the advent of touch technology and increasingly fast embedded processors, mobile devices’ processing capabilities have nearly equaled those of laptops and desktops. When combined with the introduction of high-speed internet access, mobile gadgets have altered practically every area of our lives. Everything including the way we shop, make acquaintances, eat food, and organize transportation has changed thoroughly.

Inevitably, mobile gadgets have had an impact on how people learn. Employees benefit from the unrivaled ease of mobile learning. Since courses are always available at their disposal, learners can learn and understand when it’s convenient to them, in their spare time. To learn from an e-learning course, you must be seated in front of your computer. However, mobile devices provide employees with actual learning flexibility – practically anytime and anywhere. However, just like everything else, mobile learning has its drawbacks too.

Let’s look at some of the significant challenges that mobile learning is dealing with, as well as the work being made to overcome them:

Problems with compatibility

There are no two mobile gadgets that are alike. Screen resolution, system software, browser programs, and hardware configurations vary among mobile devices. It becomes a significant job to ensure that the courses work as intended on all conceivable devices.

Possible solutions include: Interestingly, the implementation of a flexible course design strategy can efficiently address this issue. A responsive web design automatically adjusts all requirements to ensure that the course appears and operates properly on any device.

Concerns about privacy and security

As mobile phones access the internet more frequently, the likelihood of security risks increases. Since mobile broadband is indeed a very tricky technology zone, hackers  can access and take advantage of the system’s flaws. Training programs may contain corporate information, employee data, and other information that is subject to theft and misuse.

Possible solutions include: To protect user information, cellular data security procedures are increasing. It will eventually be on par with, if not stronger than, computer security. To mitigate safety issues, businesses can train people to undertake certain best practices, such as creating a strong password and not sharing gadgets with random people. As learning managers, you can also limit important data access to specific employees.

Data usage and response time

Because not all devices include unlimited bandwidth, when you’re considering a mobile implementation, internet requirements should be considered. Employees would be hesitant to use large amounts of their own internet because excessive usage might be pricey and a good WiFi connection isn’t always accessible.

Possible Solutions include: The solution is to use an LMS that is developed with bandwidth consumption and response performance in mind. A mobile-friendly LMS will be easily optimized for optimum performance on any device, making sure that no one is hit with a hefty phone bill. Additionally, graphics, eLearning material, and perhaps the other LMS elements can be compressed and file sizes lowered without sacrificing the quality to ensure quick loading rates. In our fast-paced environment, a sluggish LMS can make a significant impact on company learning and employee engagement.

Scholastic difficulties

Without the assistance of a teacher, the digital learning platforms must take the burden to deliver quality knowledge. Developers address this issue by employing instructional design methodologies to fill the void produced by the lack of a teacher. This difficulty is exacerbated for mobile devices since developers must additionally contend with screen size constraints. This can cause major issues for developers because the information in a digital medium is dependent on how well the screen is used. The amount of text displayed on the screen in the mobile edition of e-learning courses is substantially reduced.

Possible solutions include: Instead of plain heavy text, mobile learning courses include bulleted lists and elegant animations. Developers can also maintain the design simple and fuss-free so that users can easily view the courses.