What are some tasks you should know how to do once you own a house?

In our young adult years, we all find ourselves living in various forms of accommodation, from gloomy one-person apartments to sprawling and decrepid shared houses, and everything in between. But it isn’t until you own your own house that you really start looking after it, generally speaking.

And those considerations begin even before you move in. You could just pile all your belongings in the back of a friend’s van and try to encourage your friends to help you with all of the heavy lifting spurred on with treats of free wine and pizza. It might have worked when you were a student but now you want to tackle things with a bit more finesse.

Moving in takes planning and, if done properly, the experience can be made, not only stress-free but perhaps even enjoyable. It’s the difference between merely moving in and building a home. Redhead Mom has plenty of tips and advice about making the most of your move which you can learn more about at her fantastic blog.

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, the thoughts and shared experiences of a dedicated mom and book lover also has no shortage of clever tricks about a painless and purposeful moving itinerary which can be found at this website here. 

And once in, the answer to keeping your house a home is basically to do a few basic chores every day. Some are not only obvious but essential. Washing, hovering, keeping things tidy but many others are practical solutions to prevent other issues from cropping up. Checking and fixing small leaks stops them from getting bigger, properly airing rooms and cleaning walls, especially bathrooms and laundry areas, prevents mold, keeping the garden in good shape will discourage wild animals from visiting and sweeping chimney’s once a year will prevent not only cascades of soot from ruining the carpets but will also prevent fires in the chimney itself.

And of course, there are also many jobs that can be done to add value to the property, not only will this make your house a more pleasant place to live in, in the long run, it is money that will be unlocked if and when you decide to move. If you were running a business that relied on a website and relevant SEO to keep it up to date and fully functioning, you wouldn’t hesitate to hire out a company such as Ignite Digital to keep everything at the cutting edge of your business. Why not apply the same attitude to your home?

Upgrade the heating, replace the windows, even build an extension when you can afford are all considerations it but in the meantime keep on top of all of those little jobs so that they don’t become big, not to mention, more costly concerns.