Benefits of Organic Sunscreen

By definition, sunscreens filter out harmful UV rays and keep skin protected for a certain period of time, depending on environmental conditions. What else could you want from your sunblock? In this blog we will discuss the incredible benefits of organic sunscreens like this one.

Feel and Smell Great

When your ingredients are primarily made of natural oils and vitamin packed ingredients, you are left with clean-feeling, pleasant smelling protection. There are all kinds of sunscreens available today, but nothing beats organic for a nourishing feel. These sun lotions and sprays lock in the moisturizing effects of their natural ingredients to leave your skin feeling better than when you started your adventure in the sun.


By using carbon particles in place of nano-substances, organic sunscreen prevents chemicals from being absorbed into the skin, giving you safer, healthier skincare. Nano sunscreens are FDA approved, but research indicates that nano particles may be harmful to your body, especially when swallowed. This makes organic, non-nano sunscreen ideal to protect the entire family!

Essential for Sensitive skin

As you can imagine, Shae butter, natural oils, and non-nano ingredients are far less abrasive than some of the ingredients found in off-the-shelf sunscreens. Some products may moisturize, but nothing nourishes sensitive skin like a high-quality organic sun screen.

Keep In Mind

While enjoying the outdoors during your next adventure, remember that organic sunscreens still need to be reapplied as often as prescribed by the product, and it doesn’t give you infinite time in the sun. Your level and timeframe of protection will vary based on the product and it’s SPF rating, so make sure that you are sticking the sunscreen’s recommended application.Children under 6 months should not use organic sunscreen or other sun protection products until advised by their medical provider.


When used correctly and as advised by your medical provider, sunscreen is an essential part of enjoying the outdoors, and organic makes the experience all the better. Non-nano products keep chemicals from penetrating the skin, which healthier and potentially safer. Sensitive skin will thank you for purchasing natural sunscreens, and your future self will thank you for consistently wearing it.