How To Start Your Own Charitable Organization

Charitable organizations are a fantastic use of time and resources. These firms and groups engage with the broader community in order to highlight a systemic problem within society (perhaps within a law firm or through fundraiser events and webinars) in the hopes of changing it for the better. Charity organizations operate on the fringes of the free market’s visibility in order to attack national or community-based troubles and solve some of the worst issues that affect our communities’ most vulnerable members.

When thinking about founding your own charitable organization it’s always a good idea to begin at the root of your purpose and expand outward from there. This article will help you to do just that.

Begin with your “Why.”

Starting with your purpose is a great way to understand where you want to “go” as a charity. A firm marketing plan for your non-profit brand starts with this purpose, so honing in on the backstory that has led to your creation in this space is a great way to understand where you will go in the future.

Many charities get their start because of insight into a systemic problem that touches their founder’s life unexpectedly. For instance, a dog rescue may have come about with new and specific goals for helping lost pets as a result of a lost dog, in need of care, arriving one day on someone’s front step. The origin of your charitable organization’s purpose can come from anywhere, and oftentimes, it’s pretty innocuous. Only later do you realize how powerful that impetus was.

As you begin to expand your reach, doubling down on that “why” can help you continue to grow and reach out to more people—or animals—in need of compassionate care that you and your organization seek to provide.

Reach your audience with social media and SEO.

Social media is one of the most powerful platforms for charitable organizations. A Facebook group that lends credibility and provides access to blog post or press release-type content is a cost-free way to set up shop and begin to spread the message to your local community and beyond. Finding your target audience can take some time, so in the early days, a simple social media template to underpin your marketing plan is a great way to build stronger roots in the digital space that you hope to grow within.

Facebook, Twitter, and a whole host of other social media platforms combine to share in a multi-billion user network; it’s a rich ground for planting these seeds of change. Also, because these messaging forums can be used with no financial cost, learning to find and approach your target audience through blog post-style content that makes use of SEO and other marketing best practices is a great way to being finding and growing your voice organically and in a virtual “practice area.”

Once you’ve found your footing, however, you will want to begin to employ more nuanced approaches to link building and outreach. A software platform like Engaging Networks is a great source for customizable solutions to any digital content and outreach needs you may be struggling to fill. The truth is, every non-profit and charitable organization is different. Yours will run into a unique subset of common and obscure roadblocks, just like any other organization looking to make a community-wide impact.

Utilizing a flexible platform for your software and mobile app building needs is the best way to continue your important work in the community. Expansion is inevitable for organizations that want to really change the landscape around us, and leaning into the tools of the trade that make industry and grassroots organizations alike succeed is the way forward.

No matter where your charitable organization is headed, take advantage of the tools that you have at your disposal in order to make the biggest impact you possibly can.