Taking Care of Aquatic Life with Eco-Friendly Packaging

The packaging industry has taken considerate time before finally moving to sustainable packaging like cardboard or Kraft. The plastic used to be known as the king of packaging solution but the entire attitude has changed in today’s time. 

The plastic material has shifted its meaning from the most innovative style to the most demanding material to be disposed of now. It fills the landfill and ends up in toxic chemicals, causing harm to nature.

Many companies, especially food and beverage businesses, are looking to shift to sustainable packaging as synthetic material releases chemicals that can be toxic to the health.  

It has been seen that around a million tons of plastic material enter the oceans and seas. The given figure is equal to an entire garbage truck. You can have an idea about its effect on aquatic life. It makes up about 4% of garbage in the Pacific Ocean. It sinks to the bottom and remains there for an indefinite period, affecting marine lives. With the changing times, the companies are working to create awareness regarding environmental issues with different packaging, campaigns, awareness messages and initiatives, etc. 

We will present various aspects that have their own identity in packaging solutions and save the oceanic beings from further pollution and contamination. 

Eco-Friendly Packaging

In these challenging times, leading companies, especially e-commerce businesses, are shifting to sustainable packaging. Brands are using Kraft mailer boxes to deliver their products as Kraft is an eco-friendly material that promises durability, robustness and affordability. They are easy to recycle and do not need to be wasted in oceans contributing to the heap of waste. Brands have to step up to become the torch-bearer of a cleaner and greener future. 

You can be innovative about the entire process with sustainable products and packaging, especially in the food industry. All you have to do is make a little bit of continuous effort to eliminate wastage from the water and land both. 

Adopt Recycling

We know that the packaging solutions companies, along with other services, are playing their role in recycling programs significantly. You have to make sure that your material is completely recyclable for the customer. For example, cardboard or Kraft packaging is magnificent to opt for due to their recyclability and reusability, but they also have fillers inside. These fillers are not recyclable and add to aquatic pollution. That is why we have talked about ensuring your material is entirely recyclable with sustainable paper fillers in them.

Customers also have to play their part, but even if they throw away the paper, it will automatically decompose within a three-month period. You can also regard fabric material to make your packaging engaging. If you are stern about using plastic material, we would advise you to ponder on dissolvable material as it floats on the water. 

Brevity is Effective than Verbosity

Brands emphasize on the importance of printing styles and articulate it as it plays a decisive factor for customers. Less is more in this condition as rescue packaging means less trash means less wastage in the ocean. It is not beneficial only from the sustainability point but also saves your pocket. It reduces the charges on preparation and shipment, so ecological boxes can majorly help your brand. 

Another way to minimize wastage is to use a modern shredder. Shredding material is excellent for companies in their recycling process. The recyclability and reusability of such materials write a positive review for themselves. 

Wrapping Packaging

Have you ever paid the needed attention to the secondary package? A lot of people do not dive deep into their packaging process and go beyond the final product being handed over to the customer. But what about the things that come prior to that, including transportation? You can use stretchable wrapping rather than storing packages inside other packages. It wards off loads and is easily disposed of in the dustbins. What we mean by it is that less amount of breakage with fewer products will eventually be stored in the landfill. 


You should know that choosing the kind of packaging material for your product is pretty vital. Their size, shape and everything else play their part in bringing out the essence of your product. It would be best if you also are mindful of the sustainability element as a lot of garbage has already been dumped in the ocean, causing water pollution and affective aquatic lives. Printing and packaging solutions services are finally working hard to combat this issue with their eco-friendly boxes. 

We have shared a few means to clean up the seas and oceans with suitable custom packaging. Remember that Kraft and cardboard material are the most efficient means to minimize waste and preserve nature. It is an hour of the need to shift to sustainable packaging and save the oceanic lives.