Difference between led lights and led grow lights

LED lights and led grow lights both last for thousands of hours. And the efficiency of both for saving energy is more as compared to bulbs. These properties make both the lights to have a great usage in household and commercial use. LED lights are used for providing radiant light and led grow lights for your indoor plants. But what is the difference between led grow light and traditional led.

Standard LED Grow lights provide in radiance in the whole region while the led grow lights have a wider spectrum for blue and red light. These blue and red light promote vegetative growth and flowering of Plants. Red light is used for the flowering process and blue light is used for vegetative growth.

LED lights

it is the short form of light emitting diode. This kind of light has its own microchip inside it. The electrical current travels to that microchip which provides light to the LED. These bulbs also contain a heat sink where all the heat goes when the LED get warm. This process keeps the LED lights generally cool to touch.

Led play a very important role in energy efficiency. These can save energy at rate of 90% more than incandescent bulbs. When you turn on the light source, then the LED light aims to provide illumination.

It works in a certain direction unlike the CFL and incandescent bulbs who throw light in every direction. This cuts down the energy efficiency.

Most LED lights last about 50,000 hours. It is not correct to say that these are the most inexpensive lighting option but it can replace other light sources by keeping your wallet happy.

LED grow lights

These should not be considered as LED light. but these us choose to grow plants with high intensity discharge lights. Grow lights generate the right amount of light that is needed by a plant for the reaction of photosynthesis. All the grow lights are artificial and are electric. If a plant needs an extra light source beside sunlight then it will definitely prove to be using led grow lights.

All the grow lights are electrical and artificial but they mimic the sun to provide the natural sunlight as possible. Grow lights provide a typically varied light spectrum that is consumed by your plant for growing its best. Besides the colour spectrum, you can also have a control over the temperature and luminous efficiency given by the grow lights.

The luminous efficiency refers to the quality of visible light given through a particular light source to the plant. Our eyes also work as spectral sensitive machines. Our eyes let us see every light with every wavelength This is why it is important to measure luminous efficiency.

The major differences

1. Illumination purposes

LED lights provide illumination in a residential or commercial place. LED lights are known for keeping  your wallet happy and low electricity bills. Whereas, lady grow lights encourage the growth of plants will stop lead grow lights helps plant to grow in a very good manner and become fruitful easily.

2. Light variety

Led grow lights provide a variety of light which suits in your budget and needs to be fulfilled within budget.

3. Colours available

Normal LED lights have a colour spectrum but it may not be compared with the colours available in grow light. Led grow light need blue and red-light spectrums whereas, normal led light needs a whole colour spectrum.

Regular LED lights can have great sense to be used at home and they last practically forever and save your money to the fullest. But these cannot be compared with led grow lights. if you are planning to provide a light source to your plant, then you must. a grow light around it which can reach with full potential to the Plant. It is wrong to say that and led is non grow light source, but grow light works better to reproduce your plant good.

Types of grow lights


These kinds of light include both metal halide and high-pressure sodium lights. Most of the plant owners prefer this type of grow light over other types. In terms of efficiency, these lights provide the best outshine. It also has a long-lasting efficiency of work. These kinds of light do not have a heat control system of its own. You have to provide them a cooling system in place of their establishment if they get too much warm. Therefore, it is a quite costly investment.


These kinds of light make a viable grow light type. These lights are cheaper than LEDs. They are also known for evolving less heat as compared to other lights because they could manage heat better than others.


This is also known as the last type of grow light. These are unlike others because they haven’t changed their performance and structure from years. These are the cheapest bulbs around. But they give off tons of heat and provide light in all directions. They also suck up a lot of energy and therefore burn very fast.

For the better and long-term health of your plant, you must need to stick to grow light and make your plant illumination in a jiffy.

Most of the time due to the excessive light plant leaves become Brown or burnt. Prominently they are taking light from the wrong light source. Other symptoms of your plant getting excessive light maybe leaf curling and leave edge outlines.

Our plant needs both blue and red lights. Any light cannot be suppressed due to the other one. blue light encourages the plant vegetation to develop whereas, red light helps the plant in flowering.

The wavebands that are required by the plant for its growth can also be visible by human eyes. If we use led grow lights to reproduce our plant then some white light is also good. Photochemical efficiency of the plant is best for white, red and blue lights.