Madeline Rosene Creating a BUZZ with new single, “Talking To Myself”

Nothing crazy at all about Madeline Rosene and her latest release, “Talking To Myself”, because she sounds very much sane and in control. This brand new song is featured on Madeline’s full-length album titled ‘Raised On Porn’ and the Indie Pop artist certainly made a bold statement with this featured single. Watch out for Madeline Rosene because “Talking To Myself” is going to get everyone buzzing!

As soon as you hit play, I pick up on an original vocal delivery that peaks your interests right out of the gates. Madeline’s voice is intriguing to say the least because the listener will receive a dose of sweetness mixed with a bit of a raw edge even. There is definitely a sense of mystique to Madeline Rosene on “Talking To Myself” that will capture your attention & imagination. I’m hearing a bright, peppy melody that hooks you in immediately. Without question, “Talking To Myself” has POP appeal that will attract many different listeners from all walks of life. One will pick up on strong instrumentation and appealing notes that makes for one solid production overall. “Talking To Myself” is simply just catchy on ALL levels!

Madeline Rosene proves that talking to herself can work just fine and sound pretty darn good too! You can even SKOPE out the official music video for the new single right here: Madeline has a lot on her mind and a lot to say on “Talking To Myself”, so listen up folks as Madeline Rosene unleashes her gift of gab to the world. You will find out what all the chitter chatter is about after you fully take in “Talking To Myself”, so go ahead and talk amongst yourselves now. Madeline Rosene is the talk of the town and should make BIG waves within the Indie Pop circle. Let the conversations begin!

By Jimmy Rae (