What To Know About Claiming Insurance In The Event Of An Accident

Claiming Insurance After An Accident

If you are reading this, you probably have been in an unfortunate accident or know someone who has. If you have been injured during an accident, the first thing you should do is to file a report with the police. The second most important thing to do would be to file an insurance accident claim. This can be done either with your own insurance company or the insurer of the responsible party. These accident insurance claims should be done immediately after the accident once you have sought medical attention, instead of being left to a later time.

There are certain steps to follow in order to successfully claim your accident insurance. The first thing to do would be to apply for a claim so as to be compensated for medical expenses, any lost wages as well as any other damage caused by the accident. Continue reading to find out the basics of accident and injury insurance claims. We will go into more detail into the whole insurance claim process, outline the differences between first and third party claims, why claims can be denied along with the process of appealing them, and estimating the total amount awarded by an insurance claim and how it might be extremely beneficial for those who need it and have it. Meanwhile, kentuckylegalteam.com/ can help you with any legal issues you encounter.

1. Difference between ‘First Party Claims’ and ‘Third Party Claims’

Insurance claims have two main types, first-party claims as well as third party claims. To put it simply, a first-party claim is one you file with your insurance company, while a third-party claim is a claim you file with someone else’s insurer. Essentially, for the latter, you’ll be filling with the insurance provider of the person or business that caused your accident.

The kind of claim you choose to file ultimately depends on the party at fault during the accident, the kind of accident that happened, and finally, the extent of damage and insurance coverage. Let’s say you caused a car accident when you were driving on the road. You would be advised to first file a first-party claim with your own auto insurance provider.

However, if you were a pedestrian struck by a car or someone who became involved in an accident as a passenger, you might want to file a third-party claim instead with the driver’s auto insurance provider. Third-party claims can also be filed even if you were not on the road. Any injury sustained during, say, shopping, or eating at a restaurant can be filed under personal injury. These claims usually apply to property damage as well as bodily damage. Hence it is important to be aware of what you are eligible to claim for.

2. Denial of Claims and the Appeals Process

This section will go into more detail about when you might get your claims denied along with the appeal process in the event it is necessary. First of all, there are many reasons why your claim might be denied. If you have waited too long after an accident to file an insurance claim or failed to provide proof of the incident with a medical examination, you may be denied a claim. Also, the kind of car accident you are in may determine whether or not your claim is covered by your insurer or a third party insurance plan. It is still recommended to file for an insurance claim no matter the situation, and wait to see whether or not your claim gets approved or denied. In the unfortunate event where you have been denied a claim, you may proceed to appeal that denial of the claim.

It is important to know that not all appeals will be successful, and that appeals differ from company to company, making it extremely important for you to know the company policy and make note of any questions you may have for the insurance agent or their company. If you feel like your questions and queries have not been answered properly, you may choose to seek or consult an insurance attorney, who would be able to advise you on your next steps based on your best interests.

3. The Process of an Insurance Claim

No matter the nature of the injury, incident or accident, it is important to report the incident to your insurance company no later than 24 hours after the incident occurred. You will need to provide information about the cause of the accident as well as the degree of seriousness of your injuries. Once you file a claim, the insurance company will open an investigation on your claim, and you might be asked to share photos or names of those involved as well as any witnesses who were around. This information is kept confidential and is only used to back up what you state. In certain cases, the insurance agent may have to personally visit the site where the accident occurred. Next, you will be issued with a settlement check, which will determine whether your claim is approved or denied.

4. Calculating The Amount Awarded By Insurance Claims

While money definitely makes recovery slightly easier, it does not erase the physical damage that individuals may suffer. In saying that, insurance companies have their own formulas as a guide on how to calculate the amount that should be given to someone who is injured. To start off, insurance claims analysts add up your total medical expenses, then multiply it by 1.5-2, if the injury is not very serious and 5-10 if the injury is more serious. Once this amount is determined, any lost wages between the time of the accident and the time of the claim will be added up to determine the final settlement amount. Once the final amount has been calculated, you may negotiate with your insurance company to try and obtain a slightly higher settlement amount.

5. Get Legal Help

If you are still not sure why the insurance provider denied your claim or you are certain that the settlement money does not meet your expectations based on the accident, the best person to reach out to is an insurance attorney who works on accident and injury claims. It is definitely worth reaching out to a legal professional to advise you based on your case.


We hope you now have a better understanding of what to do should an accident happen to you. Be aware of your rights and the claims you are entitled to, and contact an injury attorney if you need more advice.