How to Market Your New Music Group Online

You’ve finally got the band together that you’ve always dreamed of having. You’ve spent hours practicing and getting in the groove. Now, it’s time to showcase your new band to the world. However, this can prove challenging to do online if you don’t know the right steps to make it happen.

Start with Social Media

When it comes to promoting, social media is the place to do it. You should set up social media profiles on all the popular sites like Facebook and Twitter. Make sure to fill in all the description areas, contact information, and so forth. Remember that you’re going to be promoting your band often, so you may want to utilize a social media manager or automation software that distributes new content you post to all your accounts.

Hire A Professional

If you’re trying to save some money in your early days, then you may skip over hiring a social media manager. However, the one position that you can’t skip over is hiring a digital marketing agency. A marketing agency will be staffed with individuals who have extensive knowledge about navigating the online world. They can develop strategies and promote your band in ways that you may not even comprehend right now. Like with anything else important, you should hire a professional who has the right knowledge to do the job. Invest your own time in practicing with your band, not flipping through various articles trying to learn a whole new career field overnight.

Utilize YouTube

When you’re looking for some new music to listen to, you likely head on over to YouTube. This video platform is one that just can’t be left out of your promotion strategy. Take the time to shoot quality videos and post them on your channel. Make your channel easy to find for users and make use of extra features like autoplay and playlists. This way, users tuning in to one of your music videos can be prompted to listen to another.

Add Music to Streaming Apps

There are many new streaming apps for music that people utilize on a daily basis. Applications like Spotify,, and Reddit Music all allow newbies to upload music to their networks. This is an essential part of your marketing strategy, as users listening to your music or hearing about you through some other outlet will utilize these streaming apps to find your music.

Marketing your new music group online doesn’t have to be difficult. Packed with the right knowledge about marketing and the willingness to look from the perspective of your intended viewers, you can develop an amazing marketing strategy. Be sure to implement the information we went over above to give yourself the best chance of success in the online world.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan