A guide to the Cyberpunk Artstyle

Cyberpunk – what is it actually and by which works was this term coined? From the beginning of the genre, the backgrounds of this sci-fi genre, the similarity to film noir, the backgrounds of darker dystopian worlds, and the impact on our reality and our technology. From science fiction literature to cyberpunk films, Cyberpunk Art and series to games and future works from the film sector.

The Cyberpunk inspiration movement not only encompasses fashion and technology, but also music, literature, films, comics, and model making, making it into mainstream pop culture.

But there is much more to this fashion and design movement. And if you are right to ask yourself about cyberpunk? You should read this article because here we explain everything you need to know about Cyberpunk Artstyle.

What is cyberpunk and where does the strange name come from?

The term “cyberpunk” is made up of the terms “cybernetics” (the science of autonomous control of systems based on the image of living beings) and “punk” (rebel behavior of autonomous people towards the system) is probably like no other Term associated with the “Neuromancer” trilogy (1984-1988) by science fiction author William Gibson and appeared for the first time in the early 80s. Gibson’s first work later influenced many other works, among other novels; including a video game with the same name from 1988, games like “Deus Ex” (2000), “System Shock” (1994) and “Syndicate” (1993), films like ” Matrix ” (1999), “”(1995), as well as a pen & paper role-playing game entitled” Cyberpunk 2020 “.

Cyberpunk is probably one of the best-known new trends that everyone has heard of, but nobody really knows what is behind it. In a nutshell, one could say it is a combination of past and future speculated.

Science fiction more than spaceships

Science fiction can be a story about a submarine reaching unknown depths. It can be about crazy scientists who create monsters or dictatorships that abuse progress and their social consequences. Differentiating it from other genres is not always easy. The power of Star Wars is fantastic. But that will be compensated for by spaceships. Terror is at the forefront of Frankenstein, but science has only created the monster. Of course, the clear demarcation is not always successful. The demarcation from horror may be even easier: it is often a way of telling or dealing with the effects of science. In general, everyone has to draw the boundaries for themselves. For me, some Lovecraft stories are part of science fiction,

Hard & soft science fiction

Beyond the subgenres, there is an attempt to split science fiction into hard and soft science fiction. Hard science fiction is exactly the part with the scientific focus, well-founded explanations, and less introspective of the characters.


Are we still in the matrix? Apart from robots and artificial intelligence, the field of virtual worlds. Usually on a level with misuse of information technologies. Ghost in the Shell and Neuromancer is the first known representative.