Matthew Austin Hunt New Single “Bye London Bye”

[English] – Some say, “It is never too late to fulfill your dreams.” Matthew Austin Hunt, after a lifetime away from his passion for music, has recently released his first singles “Bye London Bye” and “American Made” for 2020. Despite the details of his life, Matthew was unable to escape from his musical instincts. He was inspired by his grandfather’s musical influence during his childhood.

Hunt takes refuge in an evident country sound. However, his musical influences take a distant path from the newer development trends within the country genre. Matthew Austin Hunt seems to flirt with the classic country-style sounds from the 90s.

“Bye London Bye” is a simple musical arrangement with some very well interpreted sound nuances. This song efficiently links country styles with folk music, and even edges with the simplicity of pop music.

The vocal conditions of this singer are impressive when listening. The warmth of his vocal projection and his wide interpretive register are striking. Matthew transits with impressive equanimity, from extremely low notes to high pitched sounds all within his diverse vocal range.

This fresh single from Hunt could be a powerful start to a new artistic songwriting career. The musical quality of his proposal is excellent. Additionally, the content of the lyrics within this song is feasible to connect with an audience that prefers a more ballad-country style. I hope the rest of the album follows the same path.


[Español] – Nunca es tarde para cumplir sueños. En este 2020, después de toda una vida alejado de su pasión por la música, Matthew Austin Hunt lanza sus primeros sencillos “Bye London Bye” y “American Made”. A pesar de los pormenores de su vida, Matthew no pudo escapar de sus instintos musicales impulsados por la influencia de su abuela en su niñez.

Hunt se refugia en una evidente sonoridad prevenitente del country. No obstante, sus influencias musicales lo alejan de las nuevas tendencias de desarrollo que tiene este género. De ahí que Matthew Austin Hunt prefiera trabajar con los clásicos sonidos del estilo country de la década de los 90.

Específicamente “Bye London Bye”, es un arreglo musical sencillo con unos matices sonoros muy bien interpretados. Esta canción vincula de manera eficiente el estilo country con elementos musicales propios de la folk music, a su vez combinado con la simplicidad de la música pop.

Las condiciones vocales de este cantante conmosionan durante la escucha. Llaman la atención la calidez de su timbre vocal y su amplio registro interpretativo. Matthew transita con impresionante ecuanimidad desde notas en extremo grave hasta sonidos bastante agudos para su tesitura.

“Bye London Bye” pudiera ser un potente inicio para la carrera artística de este cantautor. La calidad musical de su propuesta es excelente. Además, el contenido de la letra de la canción es factible para conectar con un publico seguidor de la ballada-country. Espero el resto del album siga el mismo recorrido.

By – Yamilka Cabrera