How to Keep Track of and Pay for Your Insurance

Keeping track of your various insurance policy payments is imperative to avoid having a lapse in your coverage. If you are a busy individual, then you must find ways to make sure that your insurance company receives its payment on time. Here are some of the best ways to make sure that you don’t lose track of your insurance policy payment responsibilities.

Old-fashioned Calendars
You can use an old-fashioned calendar to keep track of your insurance payments. Hang one or more paper calendars on a wall with a reminder note written on one of the dates. It is a good idea to mail or take payments to an insurance company at least two weeks in advance to avoid any problems. Remember to think about the holidays that can occur that may lead to a closed insurance company office.

Bill Tracker Apps
If you have a modern smartphone, then you can download bill tracker apps. These apps will remind you about making your insurance payments on the correct dates. Some of the Apps make it easier to connect with an insurance company’s website to make the payment. You may also receive an email confirming that your insurance payment was received by the provider.

Automated Payments through Your Bank
Call your auto insurance company to have payments made automatically through your bank. You can provide your banking codes to have the payment amount deducted on a certain day each month or a few times a year. Your bank will have the payment listed on your online account, or in some cases, you will receive an email about the payment being paid on time.

Bundle Your Insurance Coverage
When you have multiple insurance companies, it can become confusing to track all of the different payment dates. Make it easier by bundling your insurance coverage with one company so that you have protection for your home, vehicle and health in one location. The best news about bundling insurance coverage is that the company may offer you a discount for this service.

A Filing System
As you are paying for your insurance policies, make sure to keep a copy of the email in a special folder of your computer, or alternatively, print a paper copy to place in a file cabinet. When the insurance company mails you a receipt or if you receive a receipt in the office, then file it right away as proof that you made the payment.

Resolving Disputes
With your filing system of receipts along with other types of documentation, you can prove that you made a payment on time.