Q&A: Get To Know ELA

Leaving a high powered advertising career in San Francisco, ELA knew the time was right to follow her passion. And it just so happens her passion carried her to Austin, Texas. The beautiful singer, songwriter with a penchant for writing witty, fun and extremely creative songs, ELA’s new release starts Pre-Sale this week. We asked her more about the new music and what it truly means to start over.

Was there a specific moment when you knew it was TIME to make a change toward your singing and songwriting passions?

Absolutely! I knew when mu husband got relocated to Austin. I had looked other places and other cities for jobs in design , but the door closed. So the my path was crystal clear! Sometimes you have to listen and I’m so grateful because I don’t know if I could have made that scary choice on my own.

Leaving San Fran to build a new musical life in Austin is very brave. Were there days when you wondered, “What did I just do?” No. We thought, “we’ll figure it out when we get there.”

We knew in our gut that SF wasn’t our city. Although, hauling your life cross country, again, doesn’t come without FREAK OUT moments!!

Tell us about being a woman in the music industry. Challenges?

Yes, there are many unique challenges being a woman in the industry and I didn’t see them until I started to separate from the herd. Yes, we are all cows! There’s a lot more that I get judged on and feedback on that dudes don’t even consider and it has nothing to do with music. Clothes, hair, weight, glasses. There’s simply an opinion for everything and it put me in therapy. I knew at that moment on a small scale, if i can’t handle the criticism them I’m gonna lose it. So, I learned perspective and to embrace the “feedback”. I can take what i want and leave the rest. that’s powerful! Cuz after all, I’m really a tomboy with stilettos and and a curling iron on stage playing a role that I LOVE! That’s me living my dream! The rest is part of my journey.

Your music seems extremely relatable to a wide audience. Do you write with a wide audience in mind?

I write what I want to hear and I think it’s just happened to be relatable on many levels and now that I know I’ve been able to really hone what I want say and I know people are listening so make sure the message is simple and clear. It’s the highest honor for people to connect with my music.

Regarding the new single and new video coming out soon… Please share any info and the stories behind the music.

I am over the MOON excited about this single! It’s catchy and a the summer song that is all about what “Lights You UP.” Think disco balls and a blow up unicorn, a painted lady and I’m dancing in the video. That’s a big deal fro me! I’m a private person and kinda shy. Most people don’t know that so when my manager asked the lead dancer to show me some dance moves, I was like… WHAT! So, can ELA get down or not? That’s up to you! HA

It’s on! We had an amazing time shooting this video and my team is golden!

Where are your upcoming summer shows?

I’ll be in Texas most of the summer and have shows in the midwest for heat reprieve. The I’m iat Laguna BOB on South Padre Island for a week and am planning to be on the road much more in 2020!

Thank You for your time and your thoughtful questions! Cheers!

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