Things are not always as they appear. Someone could have it all – the looks, the luxury, “the life” – and still feel lost. Expensive cars, high fashion, and parties thrown in your honor will never take the place of true love. Italian up-and-comer Aurora Kuda explores the conflict and confusion that are part of the highs and lows of chasing and holding onto that love. Her song and video “Vivo Persa,” which roughly translates to “Life Is Lost,” tell a tale instantly recognizable to any who have experienced the complications caused by the desire to be wanted, needed.

Directed by fellow countryman Paolo Galassi, the video captures the emotional upheaval of an entire romantic relationship in one afternoon. Aurora plays a famous actress and singer attending her own record release party organized by her partner Gabriele (played by renowned Italian photographer Gabriele Rigon). Another guest seems to threaten their relationship, as suspicious, intimate conversations cause jealousy, confusion, and a private quarrel. This all spells doom for our lovers until Gabriele reveals the reason behind his secretive meet-up with this “other woman”: he had asked her to bring the engagement ring he now offers to Aurora. Our hero was lost until true love found her.

Beautifully shot in and around a classic Italian villa in the country outside of Bologna, Aurora shifts between bold, striking performance scenes and the confidence-shaking event her character is enduring. Based just outside of Rome, Aurora Kuda has crafted a moving, danceable, soulful ode to real-life romance – not the starry-eyed storybook kind.