If you’re interested in creating a sound studio or practice space, you may wonder where to start. You don’t need much space for a studio, and in fact the smaller it is, the less you’ll have to change. That’s because most studios line their inner walls with foam padding that absorbs acoustic sound, to remove ambient noises. It is important to put distance between your microphone and any source of noise you don’t want it to catch.
Surround Your Workspace with Gardens Or Open Space
If you’re putting up an audio space, either to practice speeches and verbal communication in peace or to create a recording studio, ask how far away your workspace is from other buildings. One thing most people don’t know that city planners and architects do is plan for noise pollution; cities and even towns can be incredibly noisy, and it’s smart building layouts that help suppress that noise.
Put space between whatever area you intend to convert into a sound studio and everywhere else. If you have a yard or garden between it and other buildings, that’s a great start. Even a simple wooden wall or fence outside can also significantly reduce the noise from traffic, neighbors, and so on.
Line Your Walls with Sound Dampening Material
If you’ve ever been in a sound studio, you’ll see they’re lined with thick foam pads. Sound is eliminated in two ways in a workspace; either through acoustic absorption or diffusion. Foam absorbs ambient sounds, which reduces outside sources of noise. It can also absorb the echo of your own voice though, which some people complain makes audio sound dead. To that end, they leave spaces without foam, which diffuses but doesn’t eliminate reverb altogether.
Make Sure Doors and Windows Are Tightly Sealed
Don’t forget that if you plan to create a recording space, you’ll need to plan how to run electrical lines, and where to place your equipment. You’ll also probably want a multidirectional microphone, though it’s important to know the difference between microphone types and make sure you choose the one that’s right for you. Make sure doors and openings are as tightly sealed as possible too because open windows and loose door frames can lead to audio quality loss.
A shed or small building on your property can make a great practice space. If you plan to fix one up for use as a sound studio, think about what sources of noise surround it, and consider putting a fence or noise barrier between them. Make sure to buy sound dampening foam to line the inner walls of your practice area. And make sure to touch up loose door frames, seal windows, and install lighting and quality of life additions, so you don’t end up trying to record in the dark.