Taylor James explores a soulful, optimistic R&B with the lovely “Insane”. Production feels flawless for the whole of the sound positively shines with light. Melodies have a richness to them that help to tie the whole of the work together. Funk, classic rock, pop, with a soulful style, the whole of the album simply works. By far the highlight of the album comes from Taylor James’ undeniable gorgeous vocals. Proving to be a deft storyteller everything unfolds with a graceful elegance. Layer upon layer of sound is applied with a careful precision, one that allows the whole of the album to truly soar up into the sky.
“Back 2 U” opens up the album and starts things off just right, with D’andre Vision adding to its majestic quality. An electro funk with hints of jazz emerges on “Say It’s Me”. Easily the highlight of the album “Say It’s Me” works wonders with its careful take. The buildup of the piece further adds to its emotional heft. Great giddy energy pours out of the title track, the joyous “Insane”. A slow-moving groove drives the whole of “Make It Right” forward in the best way possible. Beats hit hard on the psychedelic style of the hypnotic “This Time”. Ending things off with a bit of fanfare is the attention-grabbing splendor of “How It’s Supposed to Be” featuring Ann Nesby.
On “Insane” Taylor James crafts a joyful work, one that shimmers and shines with an undeniable beauty.
By BeachSloth