Michael Resin – ‘Emotion Sickness’


“Emotion Sickness” strikes the perfect balance between quiet reflection and outright elegance. Michael Resin’s careful pacing throughout “Emotion Sickness” helps it to achieve a deep emotional impact. Staying front and center is his thoughtful lyricism which help to tie the album together. With a strong emphasize on love and relationships these pieces veer from infinite sadness to undeniable joy. At times the songs have a sense of ‘carpe diem’ as the songs emphasize the importance of embracing the moment.

Michaël Resin ‘Emotion Sickness’

Elements of industrial define the heavy work of the opening title track “Emotion Sickness”. Flowing perfectly off of “Emotion Sickness” with its precise driving rhythm. Neon-hued in its dancehall exuberance is the joyous workout of “What I Feel For You”. Melodically sound “What I Feel For You” serves as the album’s highlight with a sense of playful counterbalanced with the tender lyricism. Maintaining this steady beat is the gargantuan sound of “Believe in Love”, compete with fluttering melodies. Introspective to the core is the delicate textures of “I’m Free”. “Dubstep’s influence can be felt on “Only Human” as the song has a rainy day quality to it. “Goodbye or Not” brings the album to a tasteful conclusion as the piano work drives its timeless message home. The intermingling of Michael Resin’s and Betty Chrys’ voice is particularly notable as they help build the song’s power up.


With a dreamy lovely sensibility that permeates the entirety of “Emotion Sickness” Michael Resin proves he is a masterful balladeer.


Posted by Beach Sloth