Going Away to College- 7 Must Haves For Your Dorm Room (2)_phixr

Going away to college means that you made it and graduated from high school. You are now becoming an independent young adult with more freedom and definitely less parental supervision. But what you may not realize is that going to college has its challenges and you soon understand that living away from home means that you are now more responsible for things like laundry. You’ve actually exchanged the creature comforts of home for a roommate and dorm life. So when going away to college, don’t forget these 7 must have dorm room items.

Alarm Clock

You no longer have your human alarm clock aka your parents to get you up and ready to start your day. Make sure that you bring along an alarm clock. There are many choices available in styles and price. One good idea to consider is one that has a docking station for you iPod. That way you can also use it to play music when it isn’t being used as an alarm clock.

Portable cook-top

After a while and many take outs later, there will come a time when you will want to cook your own meal. So why not get a portable cook-top. Using a hotplate in a dorm room may not be allowed or even a great idea, so check out an induction cooktop, like the ones from As Seen on TV called the NuWave Precision Induction Cooktop. You can buy it from Carol Gifts Center.

These small and portable appliances are safe and clean up is a breeze. You can cook your food safely since there are no open flames or heating elements. Magnetic energy does the cooking for you. You’ll need special pots and pans that have a magnetic bottom, but you probably only need a pot and a pan.

Dorm life is going to be a challenge to start off. In no time, you’ll get into a routine and before you know it, you’ll be a young and responsible college student.


Remember you will have limited storage in your new dorm room. So consider your choice of mini-frigs with usability and size in mind. A mini-frig is going to a necessity for you especially to store fresh foods and sodas. Look at your options and choose the one that fits all of your needs, but doesn’t break your bank account.


Since you will more than likely share your room with someone else, being considerate is key to a great roommate relationship. So invest in a pair of headphones. That way you can tune in and tune out whenever you want.

Closet Storage

Pack the necessities and leave all other things behind. Your closet is going to be a challenge to you especially if you have lots of clothes and accessories. Remember your dorm closet is limited in space and size. So make the best of it and create any additional storage where you can. One good product is looking into closet organizers that don’t take up a lot of room, but offer more storage.

Comforts from Home

Now that you are on your own, you’ll need to buy all of the necessities in life like sheets, pillows and towels. Just make sure that you buy what you need and not what you think you want. Some products that be used in other ways, so be creative and think outside the box.

Laundry hamper

Now that you are a young adult, your mom or dad will no longer be there to do your laundry. That chore is now your responsibility. You’ll need to buy a laundry hamper. So look for one that can store easily as need and possibly one that can double as a carrier when you trek off to the laundromat.

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