
“This album is the next chapter for us, it’s a new set of stories we need to tell,” said Tony. “This music is more mature and shows our natural progression as songwriters. We battle tested the songs and chose the ones that would represent our growth as a duo.”
A lover of English literature and old-style murder mysteries, Grace’s influence on the album is stamped like an antique wax seal; it’s no accident that the album listen is like an epic musical storybook filled with engaging superhero-like characters struggling with love, loneliness, and the identity of self. November is 11 haunting and elegant chapters featuring heroic protagonists in a variety of settings taking on evil mastermind kidnappers, electromagnetic bombs, schizophrenia, and, perhaps the trickiest of all, their own minds. Those looking for that breathtaking happy ending won’t be disappointed either – as the stories come to a close, and an imaginary “The End” is heard, Grace & Tony live happily ever after.
Focus Track – “November”

Streaming Audio –
Official Music Video For “November” –

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