Sky’s Edge Films, which continues to earn a reputation for high-quality and entertaining music videos, has launched its official website.
Established by writer/director/producer Freddy Heath and writer/assistant director/production designer John Hart, the independent company began its run with the well-received video for Portland legend Smoochknob’s “Meet Me Half the Way”, the first single from that band’s seventh album, “Drive By High Five” (DRD Records, 2013).
In that video, two lovelorn clowns play a lonely game of hide-and-seek in a city full of sneering normals. Since then Sky’s Edge has produced videos ranging from comedy to thriller for recording artists of many genres, including quirky folk rockers Sparkle Nation, heavy metal artist Karl Whinnery, a second video for Smoochknob (“She’s So Ghetto”, which is climbing toward half a million hits on YouTube), and, due in June, an experimental video for ambient electronic band Twenty Shades of Red’s “The Big Climb”.