To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the legendary show in Budokan, Japan, Cheap Trick are excited to announce that they will play the exact April 28th, 1978 Budokan set on April 28th at the John Varvatos Bowery boutique in New York City, sponsored by Sony Experia and Legacy Recordings. As the space that formerly housed the seminal underground music club CBGB’s, the Varvatos store seemed the perfect place to celebrate this historic moment. This legendary band began its relationship with Varvatos in Spring 2008 when they starred in the seasonal brand campaign photographed by Danny Clinch. “I’m proud to host this momentous show for my friends Cheap Trick at my Bowery store which is celebrating its own 5th anniversary this month,” says designer John Varvatos.
Fans around the world will be able to watch the show live via by visiting