DK & The Joy Machine, Love Harder


Like I have mentioned on other ocassions, words aren’t really necessary in order to make a song or band awesome. In fact, many of the music made before was all pretty much about rhythm with no words, just dancing and some dudes maybe “aahhh”-ing or “oeh-oeh-oeh”-ing. One proof of this is DK & The Joy Machine.

Love Harder is an album with heart, feelings, beauty, and passion. In every chord, note, or string you can feel poetry, sincerity, greatness. Two pieces of evidence for this are “Siamese Twins” and “These Four Walls.” In the latter track, Dian takes the time to sing and her voice will immediately remind many of us of singers such as Dido/Dolores O’Riordan (The Cranberries)/Alanis Morissette.

“Love Harder” is another song where string instruments combine to deliver something powerful, epic, and really experimental with no organization. “Thinking About You” is a little more folk, and once again everything is just great.

“Come On Down” and “Jubilee” are the last two tracks on this record and both keep showcasing this artist’s creativity. It’s really poetic and captivating, and it takes you back to the old days.

In conclusion, this is a record to closely pay attention to and be delighted by. There’s really not so much planning, but pretty much the opposite: it’s all pretty random in a good way.

Check out more at

Rating: 4.7/5

Review by RJ Frometa
Edited by Marion Lougheed

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