Harvi is a British rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, recording artist and video maker who toured extensively in the late nineties under the ‘Asian Underground’ flag playing all across Europe as ‘Charged’. He has also worked with various other artists across the musical spectrum releasing music on the well respected Nation label alongside label mates ADF (Asian Dub Foundation), Talvin Singh, Transglobal Underground and many more.

[youtube XTuZYBDV9ZI nolink]

Now he’s back dabbling in creating something brand new, something he loosely terms as ‘electronica industrial urban textured noise world music’, a statement that suggests its probably best not to pigeon hole this artist! His diverse musical talent is something that has already been picked up by various tastemakers with his previous single ‘Next Life’ clocking over 6000 views on You Tube and receiving support from a string of underground DJ’s. Now with his new track ‘Who Am I’ we get to see a different side to this talented artist and performer.


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