Robert Nix, composer/singer/songwriter, comes from Toronto.   He finds his inspiration in simple everyday experiences and develops them into complex and unusual sounds that make him a unique and interesting listen.   Robert plays all the instruments, sings, writes and produces all of his own music, pulling from his inner intellect, to create something powerful and mindful.   This Alternative/Indie artist will challenge you to find more relevance in a “Walk Down The Street”.

When and how did you first get interested in composing music?
I’ve been into music since age 7 but didn’t get the composing bug until the late teens; an age at which you are just starting to fully understand your existence and the world around you.
Do you do your composing in a home studio?
Yes I do and I believe that every musician needs to have their own setup so they can properly work out all the parts in the song and also have the option of rerecording a part that 3 days later doesn’t sound particularly great.

[youtube rD-kV1_RVQk]

Who were your musical inspirations?
 I’ve been listening to The Beatles since age 5, boggles the mind that they could have written and recorded so many great epic songs that as we all know stand the test of time.
You have said that your songs come from life experiences, can you tell us more about that?
Yes everyday of living is one more day of awareness captured and on both direct (and indirect levels) this comes through in my songs.
What do you want listeners to take away from your music?
I want them to take away the feeling that this is one guy who gives it his all on each and every recording as my goal is to try to record epic songs.
Tell me about your Cd’s and future projects?
I have 3 titles released, my latest entitled ‘Walk Down The Street’ which sets the theme for the album; a journey (a ‘walk down the street’ if you will) towards self awareness.
As far as future projects go I’m 90% (well approximately) finished with my second recording for 2012 which along with the first one will be on the new album which should be completed (assuming Dec.21,2012 isn’t doomsday) and released sometime in 2013.    



By: Diana Olson – diolson05@yahoo.com

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