D-Train, D-Train

Brooklyn rapper D-train’ self titled album it’s quite interesting and entertaining.

Every beat in the album is incredible, lyrics are different today’s mainstream rappers, more clean; but yet speaking of the real life in the street as we can see in songs like “Life Is Hard”, where D. talk to us from his and many others perspective family and personal life. Then we find “I Wanna Love U 4ever” and “Dear Hip Hop”, where his talent shines in all its splendor.

In conclusion, while this might not be your common aggresive rap/hip-hop music, it’s still amusing and able to attract large crowds. So waste no time, check him out at http://www.dtrainonline.com… we are in front of someone very talented.

RJ Frometa- rjfrometa@hotmail.com

[Rating: 3.5/5]

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