NY-based Aaron Zimmer will release his much anticipated new EP, THIS TIME NEXT YEAR, on June 21. Similar to his previous albums THIS TIME NEXT YEAR won’t disappoint those wanting fresh, well crafted vocals and hooks.

Like straight out of a rock legend’s autobiography, Zimmer left his life in Nebraska behind and moved to New York City in 2004, guitar in tow. He also brought with him a refreshing approach to indie-pop/rock which has contributed to the memorable, intimate sound that makes for his amazing and eclectic albums.   In his last album, “Honey Give Me a Hand,” you can hear Zimmer’s musical roots in the grizzled, country-influenced self-titled track, where a crapulous barfly attempts winning the heart of a woman well out of his league.   Against a musical backdrop that suggests a down-south Maroon 5, Zimmer pleads, “Come on honey just give me a hand / I wanna know how to turn you on.”
THIS TIME NEXT YEAR is Zimmer’s second release with renowned producer Christian Cassan, and is arguably his strongest work to date!


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