What started out in one Los Angeles-area man’s garage as a virtual love letter to his long distance girlfriend has morphed into a nationwide phenomenon.   Walter C. May, a television creative director, recently saw his longtime girlfriend leave her native Los Angeles to matriculate at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business to obtain her MBA, putting May in the middle of an unplanned long distance relationship.  

As a creative and chivalrous gesture of his affection, Mr. May wanted to make a unique “video love letter” with hopes of social media organically taking his video across the country to her.   He then enlisted the help of his roommates, unsigned Los Angeles-based rock trio The Daylights to help compose the perfect song to accompany the video he had in mind.     I Hope This Gets To You was born.   Thus far, in the first 48 hours of its release, the video has been viewed in excess of 150,000 times.

[youtube EjgtxVxE14A nolink]

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