Amphora Records will release Toubab Soul, the first full-length studio recording by Barcelona’s Alma Afrobeat Ensemble, on Wednesday, December 1, 2010. Providing a healthy dose of original, spirited Afrobeat, Toubab Soul pulsates continuously from the hip-hop inflected opening tune “Taskmaster,” which features Ugandan MC Krukid, to the Afro-psychedelia of the closing track, a cover of Wallias Band’s “Muziqawi Silt.”
Featuring some of the most prolific musicians from Europe, the United States, Latin America and Africa, Toubab Soul is an endlessly danceable CD. The driving rhythms of the Ensemble’s music were captured in Barcelona’s La Ramona and BCN Arts studios over the course three months, making it the first Afrobeat album ever recorded in Spain.