The Silent Boys, One Step Closer

silentboys3Sombre and   meandering as it may be, One Step Closer, the third release from The Silent Boys is a potent mix of English pop and melodically-charged indie pop. Jangles litter the album, including on the lighthearted “Tin Heart,” which rolls along like the Irish hills that seem to have gave birth to not only this track but all of One Step Closer. The album is something of a throwback, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Though the production does lack a little, the acoustic-penned tracks charm with a subtle poignancy. Consider “Sweet Victory,” which possesses the light-hearted rhythms you’d expect from The Silent Boys, but with some fairly heavy lyrics to keep this three-piece’s head above water.

The folk musings on the record will ultimately be what stick out on One Step Closer. “Shaken & Stirred” presents a righteous collective ethos, with its uncomplicated rhythms and wholehearted melody. One Step Closer might be easy to marginalize, but it serves a purpose that few can argue with. This is the record for rainy Saturday afternoons when you’d planned to be inside anyway. Give into temptation and let your inner romantic dance a little with One Step Closer.

By Joshua Kloke

[Rating: 3/5]

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