
With his captivatingly passionate vocals, liquid piano and purposeful songwriting, Saint Paul, Minnesota native Nicholas Mrozinski is making music that is connecting with people, all around the world, on a deeply human level. Nicholas integrates many schools of music into his own blend of “Conscious Global Pop” that is honest, real, and magnetic. Nicholas has completed his 4th studio album, “Together We’re Stronger”, which can be heard at hundreds of College Radio stations across the country.

The vibrant and soulful Singer/Songwriters last three albums came with critical acclaim, but–with some big time help, and a ton of steam–it is his newest project, Together We’re Stronger, that delivers some truly great songs. In 2008 we watched Nicholas lose over 100+ pounds and perform over 150+ shows. This newfound energy, passion, and momentum brought All-Star Minnesota musicians out of the woodwork to be a part of his new album. Together We’re Stronger is not only a representation of the times we all currently face together, but also a validation of the thriving local Twin Cities music scene. The players contributing to the album span over 40+ local bands, unofficially dubbed “The Feelin Orchestra” after Mrozinski’s nickname “The Feelin”.

The way everybody came together to contribute like this really makes the album name ring home. It also says a lot about Nicholas’ individual talents. Ask any of the contributing musicians and they’ll tell you that Nicholas’ music is special. Referring to his “global and magnetizing voice,” Rift Magazine believes he is “a chosen one”. Budgeteer News discovered that his “music draws you in, and keeps you fixated from the first note. It’s like falling in love with music all over again.” Summing it up is The Duluth News Tribune who proclaims, “This man is capable of producing such a warm sound, you’d swear you were sitting in front of an open flame.”

[youtube qXfq8LjsaHc nolink]

Nicholas and his own Label, Wake the World, are among an emerging trend of Conscious-Capitalists and Eco-Entrepreneurs. Giving back, connecting and sharing are as big a part of their business model as turning a profit. As they build and strive to maintain a position where they can help others, they put the world’s interests equal to their own. All of their CD packaging and mailings feature “green” design, using only recycled materials and FSC certified board. Nicholas and his label hope to reach out and connect with other like-minded organizations and individuals and are openly seeking volunteer opportunities. Mrozinski and Wake the World, plan on releasing ten albums over the next five years. Mrozinski has already amassed hundreds of original songs, making his ambitious plan a very achievable goal.

[youtube 0_3t0dwVbUc nolink]


Who were your music inspirations?
There are so, so many inspirations.   I listen to as much music as I can.   A couple acts that have had a big influence on my life have been Alice in Chains, 311, The Grateful Dead, The Big Wu and Chuck Mangione.

I read many great reviews on you that have classified your music in different genres,   how do you label your sound?
It’s hard to put in a neat little box but I like to call it “Conscious Global Pop” because it integrates sounds from around the world and carries a conscious message.     The music is meant to help bring awareness, and spread peace and love, as hippy and cliche as that may sound.   :-)   We want to help make this place better for everyone and be a positive force in general.

Besides making your CD packaging Green, are there other ways you are ‘giving back’?
Yes, we actually just performed at First Avenue, in Minneapolis, for an awesome Charity Project we were a part of.   We contributed our rendition of The Beatles classic “Across the Universe” to the Minnesota Beatle Project (MBP) album.

The MBP, which features esteemed Minnesota musicians who have recreated their favorite Beatles tunes, was put together by a great local Non-Profit, Vega Productions & 89.3 The Current.   Proceeds from the sale of Minnesota Beatle Project Albums go directly to Minnesota Public Schools to bolster their music and arts programs. The MBP album can be purchased at record stores throughout Minnesota as well as online through iTunes, Amazon, etc.
To hear the track click here

For more info please visit:
Beyond that latest Charity endeavor, we are openly seeking opportunities to work with other Non-Profits, Charity and Volunteer organizations.   If anyone out there thinks we could help, please be in touch.

We have a FREE Holiday download of Nicholas’ “O Holy Night” rendition:


And are also offering “Easter and Keeko” from Nicholas’ latest album, Together We’re Stronger, for FREE download as well:


You said you want to produce 10 cds in the next 5 years,   do you have any plans to tour, or other goals you would like to see come to life?
We’ve been touring regionally throughout the Midwest for a while now but would love to tour nationally.   Being the father of a 2 year old son has kept me pretty close to home, but a big tour is definitely in the future plans.
As for the 10 Cd’s, I have about 100+ songs I’ve written that are ready to be recorded, so we are surely not short of material.

What do you want listeners to get from your music?
Like I touched on a bit earlier, I want my music to help make other peoples lives better and then I want those people to help other people. And on and on.   It’s kinda like the “Pay it Forward” deal.

Life is crazy and hectic and beautiful and awesome, all in the same breath.   I want to bring something positive to the table to keep things looking up and more on the beautiful and awesome side.   :-)

Visit Nicholas on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter too.

Diana Olson –

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