Single Review: Sarantos “Hate to See You Happy”

Sarantos’ latest release, “Hate To See You Happy,” showcases his talent for blending personal emotion with theatrical storytelling. The track, inspired by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic musical style, dives into the painful yet all-too-relatable feeling of watching a former lover move on while you’re still stuck in a nostalgic loop. With a mix of cheekiness and poignancy, Sarantos explores how humor can be used to soften the blow of heartbreak.

The song opens with a melancholic reflection on love lost, describing a relationship that once felt like dancing among the stars but now feels adrift, like two ships on separate seas. The lyrical imagery of “she found a new compass” serves as a metaphor for moving on, contrasting the singer’s inability to let go of the past. Sarantos’ repeated questioning — “Does he look like me, my love?” — adds a layer of vulnerability, revealing the lingering self-doubt and comparison that often follows a breakup.

Musically, the song evokes the emotional drama characteristic of stage productions, weaving in theatrical elements that echo Webber’s ability to express larger-than-life emotions through music. Sarantos doesn’t shy away from this dynamic, using instrumental breaks and soaring choruses to emphasize the emotional intensity of the narrative. The lines “Truth is I hate, I hate to see her happy without me” are delivered with both bitterness and longing, capturing the complexity of feeling both hurt and, at times, absurdly trapped in those emotions.

The accompanying music video further amplifies the song’s themes by blending nostalgic imagery with the universal experience of heartache. It creates a visual narrative that enhances the song’s exploration of the inner conflict between clinging to the past and accepting reality.

Beyond the music itself, Sarantos continues his philanthropic tradition by linking this release to Action for Happiness, demonstrating his commitment to using his platform for positive change. His body of work has long combined heartfelt storytelling with social impact, and *”Hate To See You Happy”* is no exception, promising even more emotional depth and surprises in his upcoming musical project.

With its raw, personal tone and blend of humor and heartbreak, this track adds a new dimension to Sarantos’ diverse catalog, keeping fans engaged while leaving them curious about what’s to come.

–John Lewis