An academic dishonesty charge can instantly turn your life upside down. It will affect your academic career and professional prospects because the charge will be on your record permanently. To successfully fight the charge, you need the assistance of an aggressive academic misconduct attorney.
This kind of charge can bring harsh consequences when not defended successfully such as loss of credit for coursework you have completed loss of financial aid, suspension, or permanent dismissal. An experienced attorney can give quality legal guidance and create a customized strategy to prove your innocence.
What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty
An act is a form of academic dishonesty or misconduct if it includes using unauthorized assistance to try to deceive the school or its personnel or gain an unjust advantage over other students. Academic dishonesty includes cheating on an examination, plagiarism, sabotage of student materials, research result fabrication, and more. Penalties for this misconduct range from a reprimand to permanent expulsion from the school.
Important Steps to Take
If you are facing an academic dishonesty allegation, stay quiet until you get an attorney. Do not approach your teacher or professor because this can become confrontational. You could end up incriminating yourself with a harsh comment that might implicate you.
In addition, review your school’s handbook to know the code to abide by. The code can include details on academic dishonesty and school-wide policies. Also, this will help you determine if the school is following its policies or not. And if someone from the school is telling you to admit to the allegation, ignore them. This strategy is just a way for them to implicate you.
Can You Be Represented by a Lawyer?
An academic misconduct accusation can have you attending an academic disciplinary hearing where you face the allegations and plead your innocence. You may be allowed to have a lawyer to represent you at the hearing, but this depends on the policies of your school. But, even if the school does not allow legal representation, your attorney can still offer legal guidance and prepare you for the hearing. They will examine the circumstances of your case and use their expertise to make sure your rights are protected.
A skilled academic misconduct lawyer can help you earn an education without allegations that can prevent you from completing your studies as you deserve. If you are facing a charge of academic dishonesty, you need an attorney who is willing to face down your school against the allegation.