Tom P Buckley Presents New Album ‘Exist’

In “Exist,” Tom P Buckley combines a potpourri of different styles into a distinctive songwriting language. The genre-blending here goes on forever – shoegaze, ambient, dubstep, EDM indie rock, and more merge into the slipstream. His vocals are the only constant, with the atmosphere shifting unpredictably from track to track. Lyrics have a poetry to them, going for a lovelorn quality. For a neat mix of high-end and low-end, volume is a must, resulting in this full-bodied wall of sound approach. He virtually demands the listener play this loud to get the whole sheer physicality of the album.

A spry beat and harp chords ring through the angelic opener “Exist.” Noir-like grooves on “Night Walkers” give the song a bluesy, late-night quality, complete with exceptional basslines. Rhythms have a catchiness with an experimental edge on “Sign Me Up.” “Goodtime B” has a Four Tet meets Beach Boys sun-drenched spirit. Orchestral qualities underpin the dreamy-eyed “The Steel Machine,” with little flourishes resting right on the periphery of the sound. Pure rave energy runs through “The Starz.” “If Ur With Me” has a delicate tenderness, with electronic aspects drawing from Autechre’s early baroque ambiance. Various percussive aspects adorn the stately glide of “One 2.0.” Drums and a melancholy melody underpin the sweetness of “Brighter T.” Samples dart in and out of the finale of “Drift,” where the song has a chaotic quality, ending the album on a high note.

Tom P Buckley dives headfirst into a big, beautiful sonic universe on “Exist.”