Kenton Mackay ****** unleashes his raw grunge rock energy and wit in debut EP ‘In Good Taste’

Hailing from the heart of Texas, Kenton Mackay ****** emerges as a formidable force, channeling the spirit of his upbringing on a ranch during the golden age of music piracy into a sound that is as authentic as it is captivating.
Now, with his debut EP ‘In Good Taste,’ he presents a 6-track record that delves deep into his musical psyche, offering listeners a visceral and electrifying experience.

Lead single ‘My Brain Is Fucked’ serves as a perfect introduction to Mackay’s musical world, blending elements of 90s grunge with modern sensibilities. With stacked electric guitars and Mackay’s commanding baritone vocals, the track exudes an infectious energy reminiscent of icons like Nirvana and Queens of the Stone Age. Yet, beneath the surface, Mackay reveals his prowess as a satirist, uncovering both the humor and beauty in the mundanity of everyday life.

‘In Good Taste’ traverses three decades of influences, from nostalgic nods to the past to a fresh take on indie rock. Each track showcases Mackay’s distinct personality and musical prowess, with ‘My Brain Is Fucked’ serving as the fun-filled catalyst for an EP that promises something for every rock lover.

Stream ‘In Good Taste’ below:

As Kenton Mackay ****** makes his mark on the Austin music scene and beyond, it’s clear that he is a young artist with boundless potential. With ‘In Good Taste,’ he channels his pent-up energy and wit into a debut EP that is sure to leave a lasting impression, cementing his status as a rising star in the world of rock music.