Got Hail Damage? Here Are 4 Ways To Repair The Damage

Hail is a common problem in the Midwest and southern regions of the United States. Nashville reported hail around 112 times in the past 12 months alone. So how do you go about repairing damage and preventing future problems caused by hail? Let’s show you how. 

Step 1: Inspection

The first step in the process of repairing a hail damaged roof is a careful and detailed inspection. This step is critical because it helps homeowners identify and understand the extent of hail damage.

  • Assessing the Damage

An inspection is a visual inspection of the entire roof structure to detect signs of damage that may have occurred during hail. Homeowners need to look for various indicators of damage during this stage, including:

  • Dents and dents in roofing material such as shingles or tiles;
  • Assess gutters and downspouts for hail damage;
  • And look for other subtle signs of hail impact.

In addition, homeowners should check these elements for cracks or missing parts, as they can compromise the roof’s ability to adequately protect the home.

  • Tools/Equipment Required

Basic tools such as a sturdy ladder and a flashlight are invaluable for conducting a proper inspection. These tools help homeowners get a better look at the roof surface and identify any visible signs of hail damage. The aim of this step is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the roof.

No, there’s no need to worry if you don’t understand where to start. MidSouth Construction is on call and we can bring the necessary equipment and skills to your door to assess the damage. 

Step 2: Documentation

After a thorough review is complete, the next critical step is documentation. This includes careful recording and capture of observed hail damage. These visual records serve as valuable evidence when handling claims and are helpful in facilitating a smooth process.

Homeowners should take clear and detailed photos of affected areas. The procedure is as follows:

  • Take clear photos of hail damage on your roof;
  • Document the location and sizes of dents and cracks;
  • Report hail damage to your insurance provider immediately;
  • And work with adjusters, provide documented findings for review;

This written record helps provide a comprehensive overview of the damage. But if you’re someone who wants to do it right, contact our roofing contractors in Nashville. MidSouth Contractors will help you properly document the problem for an insurance claim. 

Step 3: Repair

And now that it’s time to make repairs, homeowners have two main considerations. The first is to determine if it is a DIY job or if professional help is needed. Here’s how to see if it can be fixed with DIY or professional help

Opting for DIY:

For small repairs, such as replacing a few damaged shingles or fixing minor dents, a custom part may be appropriate. Basic tools such as a hammer, nails and spare materials may suffice.

Opting for Professionals:

Hiring professionals like Nashville roofing contractors from MidSouth Construction becomes essential when the damage is more extensive or involves structural issues. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to handle complex repairs and ensure efficient and safe roof restoration.

But if you decide to take the DIY approach, then there are two things to remember:

  • Tools and Materials

The materials and tools required for repair depend on the nature of the damage and include:

  • Replacement shingles and nails;
  • A crowbar may be necessary when replacing shingles;
  • And a rubber mallet or plunger to remove the dents.

Homeowners should also prioritize safety during repairs and use appropriate protective gear such as gloves and eye protection.

  • Repair Process

The repair process involves a systematic approach that methodically addresses each identified problem. Whether it’s replacing shingles, smoothing out dents or fixing leaks, attention to detail is key. Following the correct repair technique will not only restore the functionality of the roof, but also help prevent further damage.

Step 4: Preventative Measures

The final step in the process is to take proactive measures to prevent future hail damage. This includes considering the installation of impact-resistant roofing materials that are designed to withstand the impact of hail. It includes:

  • Choosing a roofing material that effectively resists hail;
  • Review and resolve potential issues to prevent future damage;
  • Consider roofing solutions designed specifically to withstand hail;
  • And schedule regular roof inspections by experienced professionals.

Together, these preventative measures aim to increase the durability of the roof and minimize the risk of damage over time.


This is how every homeowner can ensure safety and prevent hail damage to their roofs. While this is inevitable in some southern areas, given the type of hail they receive, focusing on these key areas will help prevent or repair damage already caused by hail. Or, you can look for expert Nashville roofing contractors like MidSouth Construction to prevent such problems in the future..