@skopemag Interview with singer-songwriter SATRE

We got to chat with the Swedish singer around the release of his new single “Stay Away”.

Can you start by telling us the story behind your name SATRE?
-The name is simply my surname! My goals with making music has always been to make people feel understood and comforted. I was never really part of a big friend group when I was young so I’ve always thought that I could create a family feeling for the people enjoying my music. I usually stylize it •S•A•T•R•E• the dots represent all of my six siblings who inspire me a lot.

– What’s the inspiration behind your new single “Stay Away”? How did the idea for the song come about?
-I actually wrote the song after having a phone call with my older brother. I moved to London in December 2018 to fully pursue a career in music and had a difficult time settling in. I was contemplating moving back home to Stockholm. But my sibling felt I hadn’t given it my all yet. He said that if i gave up on my dreams and moved back he’d never be able to forgive me. He told me to stay away.

– The term “Stay Away” is usually used in negative contexts, but you’ve turned it into something positive. Could you discuss the process of taking a phrase with a different connotation and giving it a new, uplifting meaning in your song?
-Exactly! After having the phone call with my brother I couldn’t get this phrase out of my head. But used in a different context. I always want to keep my listeners on their toes and the idea of writing a song with this meaning but using a title that might initially suggest something else really intrigued me. He used the term this with love and compassion when he said it to me. After I wrote the song I kept it as a reminder to always go with my gut and to keep chasing my dreams.

– What emotions do you hope listeners will experience while listening to “Stay Away”?
-I hope they can relate to the feeling and message of the song. To stay away from things that prevents you from living a fun, colorful and adventurous life. I also hope the listeners will have a new favorite road-trip song after having heard it haha.

– Moving from Stockholm to London must have been a significant change. How did your transition to a new city impact your music and songwriting?
-It really was. It’s still to this day the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. London taught me to be confident with myself and my art. That I deserve a place in the music industry as much as anyone else. I think London is full of opportunities, you just have to have the will to go out and chase it.

– How would you describe your music in 3 words?
-Euphoric, emotional and melancholic.

– Street performing is quite a unique way to gain recognition as an artist. How has your experience as a street performer influenced your growth as a musician?
-If really is, it’s definitely not for everyone. It can be really tough. But when it works it’s a beautiful thing. I’ve meet some beautiful souls and gotten friends for life from it. I think busking is such an incredible thing. It doesn’t really exist where I’m from. It’s amazing how people just stop and create these moments together. It’s been a great way for me to develop as a performer. And to be able to perform under any conditions.

– Could you give us a glimpse into your songwriting process? How do you typically start crafting a new song?
-The most common way that I’ll write a song is that I get an idea for a melody. The vocal melody is always the most important thing for me when it comes to songwriting. I want my songs to work just as well with a voice and a single instrument as it does with a big production behind it. I believe great melody is something very instinctive for us as human beings, that feeling when a melody works and goes where you want it is something I’m constantly chasing.

– What’s coming next for you?
-I got a lot of exciting things coming up for the rest of 2023! I’m doing two bigger shows in London and in Stockholm. 29th September at Södra Teatern in Stockholm and 19th October at Folklore in London. My next release is also planned for November. I’m very excited about this one as it is a different side of me. I’ve always related music to weather and seasons. This song is more of a dark ballad which will be suitable for the colder months.
