Lifestyle Habits While on Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is an investment of time, effort, and financial resources. You may safeguard your investment and increase treatment effectiveness by making the appropriate modifications, such as maintaining excellent dental hygiene, according to dietary recommendations, and quitting activities that could harm your orthodontic appliances.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene With Interdental Brushes and Floss Threaders

Cleaning the areas between your teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach is just as essential as brushing your teeth twice daily. Interdental brushes and floss threaders are two effective tools to help you achieve thorough oral hygiene by removing plaque and food debris from these hard-to-reach areas. 

Interdental brushes are thin, narrow brushes that are used to clean between your teeth and along your gum line. Floss threaders, on the other hand, aid in the passage of dental floss or tape through tight contact areas between teeth.

These tools provide different benefits when cleaning the areas between your teeth, even though regular toothbrushes are essential for maintaining general oral hygiene. It would be best to consult reliable and trustworthy dentists like Kumra Orthodontics. Kumra Orthodontics, Washington, DC, assess the specific requirements of each patient’s dental condition and recommend particular sizes or types of interdental brushes and floss threaders to ensure they are effective and safe. They have been providing excellent service in the area, so you can be sure you’ll get the quality service you deserve!

Dietary Choices

Certain meals might be problematic and raise the chance that orthodontic equipment like braces or aligners will become damaged. It is essential to make thoughtful decisions to safeguard the progress of your orthodontic treatment and preserve excellent dental health. 

It is best to avoid hard and sticky food, such as nuts, popcorn, chewing gum, and hard sweets, as they can break brackets, bend wires, or become trapped in braces. Similarly, chop items that are hard to bite into smaller, bite-sized pieces to lessen the strain on the orthodontic appliance.

Opting for softer, easier-to-chew foods like cooked vegetables, lean meats, pasta, and soft fruits can help maintain a balanced diet while minimizing the risk of damaging your orthodontic treatment.

Sports and Physical Activities

Putting on the proper protective gear when participating in contact sports or other activities with a higher risk of facial injuries is essential. Mouthguards can shield your teeth from blows or injuries, as well as your lips, cheeks, and orthodontic equipment. 

Consider participating in low-impact sports if you are worried about the possible hazards of particular sports or hobbies. Swimming, cycling, yoga, or walking can provide excellent exercise without subjecting your orthodontic appliances to excessive forces or potential damage.

Habits to Avoid While on Orthodontic Treatment

It’s crucial to form habits that will assist your orthodontic treatment and protect your appliances while undergoing it. Knowing which behaviors to avoid is vital since they could lead to issues, extend treatment duration, or harm your braces or aligners.

Biting Nails and Hard Objects

Biting your nails can cause internal injuries such as wounds or rips in the gums or soft tissues. Hard items can injure your teeth and gums, causing pain, discomfort, and even tooth fractures. It puts undue strain on your braces or aligners, increasing the likelihood of damage.

Biting your nails comfortably becomes physically more difficult when wearing braces or aligners. Take advantage of this and commit to breaking the habit altogether. You will not only maintain your orthodontic appliance, but you will also encourage healthier nails and improved dental hygiene.

Skipping Orthodontic Treatments

Your orthodontist can notice any potential concerns or complications during your orthodontic sessions. They may identify damaged brackets, loose wires, or other appliance-related issues. 

Additionally, missing orthodontic appointments might cause treatment delays or interruptions. These delays can occur when missed appointments are rescheduled, potentially pushing back subsequent appointments and adjustments.

By keeping all of your planned appointments, you provide your orthodontist the ability to keep track of your progress, make any required corrections, handle any problems quickly, and maintain the course of your treatment.

Smoking and Using Tobacco Products

Using tobacco products and smoking can have adverse effects on your dental health. Maintaining oral hygiene might be more difficult when wearing orthodontic tools like braces or aligners, and using cigarettes increase the risk of oral health issues. Its effect on blood circulation can slow down tooth movement and prolong the duration of your orthodontic journey.

Tobacco use is also closely linked to gum disease, which can have severe consequences for your oral health. Gum disease can cause gum recession, bone loss, and tooth mobility, compromising the stability of your orthodontic treatment. 

Using Teeth as Opener

Using your teeth to open things might cause chips or fractures in your teeth. Your teeth may not withstand the stress involved in this operation, especially if you are wearing braces or aligners. Damage to your teeth can be uncomfortable, necessitate extra dental work, and impact how well your orthodontic treatment goes.

Avoiding this habit may minimize the chances of requiring emergency repairs or prolonging your orthodontic treatment.

Make it a Habit to Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly

Timely adjustments help facilitate the movement of your teeth and contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of your treatment. Regular visits to Kumra Ortho allow your orthodontist to discover any growing difficulties or possible complications. With 15 years of earned reputation, they have the expertise to identify signs of complications or irregularities that may require attention.