The Fundamentals Of SEO For E-Commerce: A Beginner’s Guide

Do you work in the retail industry? Do you sell products via your e-commerce website? Do you need more people to visit your website and check your products? If you are nodding your head to all the above questions, then you have arrived at the right destination. Because today, we will talk about the importance of optimizing your website. 

An e-commerce website will help you to find out who your audience is and basically get you acquainted with your audience demographics. But that’s not all. It will also help you to understand where things will go wrong. And today, we will discuss the fundamentals of search engine optimization – stay tuned to find out more.

Understanding the importance of organizing your keywords effectively, utilizing a keyword clustering tool can significantly enhance your SEO strategy by uncovering valuable insights and improving your site’s visibility across search engines.

The Fundamentals Of SEO For E-Commerce: What Is SEO For E-Commerce?

Search engine optimization is basically the strategy that will help your e-commerce website to rank relatively higher than the competition in search results. An optimized and well-designed website featuring high-quality content pieces will simply rank high in search results on Google, thereby boosting your site’s visibility and ultimately driving traffic.

Simply put, when you check SEO potential of a site, you will find out its ranking and performing abilities. Search engine optimization mainly focuses on actually optimizing your website, making it really easy to obtain both leads as well as conversions. 

But, while SEO in the case of content-focused sites is mainly about adding relevant keywords, gaining links, and writing blogs, SEO for any e-commerce site is so much more than that – you actually have to understand how popular search engines function and, more importantly, what this search engines reward.

This means you have to acquire knowledge about Google’s guidelines, analyze your buyer’s intent, and ultimately implement your plan strategically. To gain a deeper understanding of SEO for eCommerce, we recommend reading this article.

The Fundamentals Of SEO For E-Commerce: Best Practices For A Beginner

Search engine optimization for e-commerce websites is a complicated field. Moreover, there are so many optimized websites that you beginners will obviously face stiff competition. But then, that’s no reason not to find out about the best SEO practices for your e-commerce website. 

So without wasting any more time, scroll down to find out about the best SEO practices for a new e-commerce website!

1. Do your Keyword Research The RIGHT WAY

While there are several methods to optimize your website, not all of them will work for your website or, more importantly, your products. But if there was one guideline that’s mandatory for all e-commerce websites, then that has to be doing keyword research the right way! Yes, you need the most relevant and popular keywords in your industry. 

But at the same time, you have to keep your buyer’s search intern in consideration. You can easily find out your buyer’s search intent by going through the phrases people actually search for while shopping online. Of course, you will need to filter out phrases depending on their traffic potential and keyword difficulty. 

2. Optimize All Your Product Pages To Boost Ranking

In order to get new people to your e-commerce website, you have to keep track of your on-page audience optimization. It’s vital because it boosts your website’s ranking in search results, which basically means new streams of traffic that are organic and, ultimately, more conversions. 

Of course, our entire e-commerce website does not need to be optimized. In this case, you need to optimize three segments – your product descriptions, product reviews, and product images. In order to do so, you need to follow the tips mentioned below,

  • Include testimonials,
  • Add CTAs (call-to-action),
  • Include keywords,
  • Add multiple, unique, high-quality images, and
  • Add keyword-rich, detailed descriptions. 

3. Make Your E-commerce Website User-Friendly

UX refers to user experience. You can boost UX by simply ensuring that your website is visually appealing, which can be achieved with the help of good design that’s aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. However, it’s not only about making your site look really good – it’s also about making your website work well. 

UX is inclusive of multiple factors – from the overall ‘feel’ to navigation, all of it falls under UX! You might think that UX has nothing to do with search engine optimization. But that’s not true. User experience is related to your site’s visibility. Plus, in the near future, UX is going to be related to Google’s ranking factors. 

4. Do Not Ignore Long-Tail Keywords

You can view long-tail keywords on the SERP (search engine result pages), and that too on the right-hand side. These keywords usually have a low keyword difficulty but meet your business goals. Plus, these keywords convert faster, considering they will get you better traffic, especially if you are aiming for quantity. 

You can always take the help of Google’s solution to find long-tail keywords – yep, we are talking about the ‘People also ask’ section. Long-tail keywords are primarily great for three purposes. These purposes are as follows,

  • competitive niches,
  • boosting conversion rates, and
  • ranking new websites easily.

5. Use An URL Structure That’s Simple

When you choose to go for an URL structure that’s simple, it boosts your website’s user experience. And at the same time, a simple URL structure also boosts the search engine optimization efforts for your e-commerce website. Moreover, when you use simple URL structures, it becomes more sharable on other social media platforms. 

For the most effective results, the best thing that you can do is use URLs that are understandable and readable. Plus, Google even advises users to opt for adding relevant keywords to the URL structure. These keywords are then referred to as metatags, and these basically help users find out what the content on the web page is all about. 

Concluding Thoughts On SEO Fundamentals For Beginners!

So now you are aware of at least some of the SEO fundamentals relevant to e-commerce websites. What next? Are you planning on implementing these practices for your SEO strategy? Whatever you do, it’s best to give yourself some time while waiting for results – yes, you can definitely get results overnight, but sometimes, it might take a little time as well. 

Feel free to tell us your thoughts on these SEO best practices. And while doing so, don’t forget to share your experiences with SEO and e-commerce websites in the comments below.