4 New Rules To Boost Your Workplace Learning

The times are changing in the digital space, and only those who are agile and adaptable can survive. In today’s rapidly-changing business landscape, keeping your employees up-to-date on the latest skills and knowledge is more important than ever. But with so much information available, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together four new rules of workplace learning to help you create a training program that will make a difference for your business. 

Rule 1: Fast And Convenient Content 

In the age of frequent learning, the most important rule is to create quick and convenient content. This means creating short, concise videos or articles that can be easily consumed. Thinkific, an LMS solution, ensures the content is engaging and easy to understand with its in-built authoring tool. As you always want to keep your audience in mind when creating workplace learning content, Thinkific reviews make it clear that they built content from the ground up to elevate it to the next level and improve their knowledge and expertise.

Rule 2: Embrace Learning In The Flow Of Life

Workplace learning doesn’t have to be a formal, structured process. Most valuable learning takes place informally in the flow of everyday work. To maximize your learning opportunities, embrace learning as a natural part of your workday.

Learning is an ongoing journey that should be embraced throughout your career. By staying open to new ideas and continuously growing your skillset, you’ll position yourself for success in today’s ever-changing workplace.

Rule 3: Strengthen The Employee Learning Experience

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It is essential to focus on strengthening the employee learning experience to create a thriving workplace learning experience. This can be done by providing employees with opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge and by helping them apply what they have learned in their work. Additionally, it is essential to create a positive learning environment that encourages employees to participate in learning activities. 

Rule 4: Adopt The Learner-Centric Approach

The learner’s needs should be at the forefront of any workplace learning initiative. By considering the various factors that can impact a learner’s ability to absorb and retain information, such as their level of motivation or prior knowledge, it is possible to create a more customized and effective learning experience. Additionally, by soliciting feedback from learners throughout the process, it is possible to optimize the learning experience further.

Factors That Drive The Changes In The Corporate Learning 

The corporate learning sphere is constantly evolving. New technologies, changing workforce demographics, and the ever-changing business landscape are just factors driving these changes.

Organizations must be proactive in their approach to workplace learning to stay ahead of the curve. They must identify the skills their employees need to succeed in the current and future business environment and then find ways to deliver that training engagingly and effectively. Here are a few factors:

  • Improved Technology

Technology has drastically improved in recent years, making it easier than ever to learn new things. There are a myriad of online resources as well as apps and software that can help you learn new skills.

Improved technology makes learning more engaging and interactive. You can now watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read articles about any imaginable topic. And if you’re looking for more hands-on learning, there are plenty of online courses and tutorials available.

  • Making Knowledge Management A Main Business Development Area

The ever-changing work landscape requires employees to continuously learn new skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve. For businesses to remain competitive, they must invest in their employees’ learning and development.

This shift in focus will help ensure that employees are equipped with the necessary skills to meet the ever-changing workplace demands. It will also help businesses keep up with the competition by ensuring their employees are regularly learning and evolving.

  • The Shift Of Priorities

The traditional model of employer-provided training is no longer the only option, and employees are increasingly taking responsibility for their development.

With the rise of technology, many jobs are becoming more complex and requiring higher skills. At the same time, the workforce is becoming more diverse, with different generations and cultures coming together. This means that one-size-fits-all training programs are less effective than they used to be.


The workplace is constantly evolving, and so is the way we learn. To keep up with the latest trends and best practices, we need to be willing to adapt our approach to learning. These four new rules of workplace learning can help you do just that. By embracing learning in interactive ways, you can ensure that your employees are always one step ahead.