Everything you need to know about all on four dental implants

People investing in their smiles isn’t a new phenomenon. Many varieties are now on offer at your local dentist and specialist practices, including whitening, composite bonding, and veneers. 

However, if you have a low bone level, are missing teeth, or simply find dentures uncomfortable, you may want to look into all on four dental implants

They’re not only comfortable and natural-looking, but they also require minimal upkeep, so you don’t have to be concerned about them breaking or discolouring after a few months.

Today we’ll go through everything you need to know about this dental implant innovation, including how all on four implants work and if they’re worth it.

What are all on four dental implants?

All on four dental implants are a long-lasting alternative to dentures for those who find they have loose or failing teeth or even have multiple missing teeth.

It’s a significant procedure that offers life-changing results. 

Due to the way they’re secured, these implants are a great option for those with very low bone levels, who may have been told in the past that dental implants won’t work for them. 

How do all on four dental implants work?

The specialised team installing your all on four dental implants will add them to the upper jaw, in the Pterygoid, Zygomatic, and nasalus areas. 

All on four dental implants are a one-piece, full-jaw prosthetic bridge that is secured in place by four to six implants per jaw. 

Unlike other implant options, specialist softwares are used to design a virtual image of your new smile with all on four dental implants. So, before the procedure has even begun, you’ll know exactly what you’ll be walking out with. 

How much maintenance is needed with all on four dental implants?

One of the main reasons why people choose all on four dental implants, is how easy they are to maintain. 

They require the same routine as natural teeth. Simply brush for two minutes, twice a day, and floss regularly. This will keep your implants looking as good as the day you got them. 

Are all on four dental implants expensive?

Like all dental treatments and alterations, the price of all on four dental implants depends on the practitioner you decide to visit. 

The average starting price is around £15,000. Extras such as a spare prosthetic, routine maintenance, and mechanical warranties can all alter the cost. 

The best way to get a quote is to contact your chosen clinic. When expressing your interest, it’s advisable to provide a bit of information about why you’re considering all on four dental implants and if you have any concerns they should be aware of. 

Do I need all on four dental implants?

While all on four dental implants have changed many lives, offering the procedure isn’t done lightly. 

It’s mainly offered to those who can’t find a denture that fits properly, or simply don’t enjoy wearing one. Many people choose all on four dental implants if many teeth are missing, gum disease is a problem, or if tooth loss is inevitable due to the bone structure. 

Are all on four dental implants worth it?

If you’ve decided you’d like to invest in your smile by opting for all on four dental implants, it’s understandable that you’ll have your doubts as to whether it’s worth the cost. 

Here are a few benefits to ease your concerns: 

  • Wearing a denture is no longer necessary 
  • Speech is improved 
  • No gum irritation 
  • Eating will become much easier 
  • Smile with confidence with natural-looking implants

On top of this, you don’t have to worry about your new teeth going anywhere anytime soon. The advanced materials and technologies provide a new smile that lasts over 30 years when looked after properly. 

Being the number one alternative to dentures, many of our customers come to us for a more permanent, comfortable solution. With all on four dental implants, you don’t have to worry about anything shifting or moving out of place throughout the day. The innovative implant irradicates any irritation and ensures complete security

How to get all on four dental implants 

When it comes to dental work, it’s vital you go to a trusted specialist that has rave reviews and a reliable profile.

Arranging an appointment to get all on four dental implants fitted couldn’t be easier than with Evo Dental. With four clinics across the UK, Evo Dental promise a confident smile, and even provides a stay at one of their partner hotels during your treatment – what more could you want?

If you’d like to find out more about all on four dental implants, give Evo Dental a call today on  0800 470 2990. Alternatively, you can request a free consultation, and an expert will be in touch with you as soon as they can.