How to Keep Your Shed Free of Pests

A shed is a big help to gardeners, and every gardener wants it to be insect-resistant and rodent-proof. It is best to have a dedicated spot for fertilizers and other gardening tools as it saves a lot of time and trouble, mainly when you do not own a garage, or it is already packed with other items. You do not want to fight through spider webs or get surprised by rodents. Therefore, make sure you contact pest control Austin, TX, for the best solution.

If you want to make your shed pest free, make it less attractive to bugs and pests. The dirt built up in the tree parts and the solitude of a shed make it a great hiding place. You can protect your shed by the following steps.

  1. Sweeping out the shed at least twice a week to keep the dirt away from building up.
  2. Seal cracks with silicone caulk. Insects sometimes use their sliver to create an opening to get into the shed.
  3. Do not store food in the shed. If you keep birdseed in there, keep it in sealed containers that cannot be chewed through.
  4. Wash your shed’s wall periodically.
  5. Do not keep firewood, shrubs, etc., in the area around the shed.

You can also improve the lighting in the shed, which eliminates the dark corners where bugs can hide. If your shed is not wired by electricity, look out for solar options or battery-powered lights.

How to keep spiders out of your shed?

Make sure you follow the steps mentioned above to make your shed pest free. Keep your attention on the windows because spiders enter through tiny openings. Ventilation is also important and prevents moisture from building up. You can consider installing 20-mesh screens in windows and a door curtain of the same material when you go in and out while leaving the door open. Lining paper is also a good idea. Spraying an insect repellent on it will make it better. 

You can install an additional barrier known as polyester roofing against spiders. 

How to get rid of mice in your shed?

To make your shed rodent-proof, you can follow the tips mentioned above by sealing the gaps and removing things that attract mice. Things like wood, soil, or compost bags, should be stored tightly in thick plastic tubs or somewhere mice cannot enter. 

If there is a slightly larger hole, silicone caulk or drat will not work. You can stuff it with steel wool. Mice cannot chew through steel wool. Also, make sure the roof is well maintained.