Dark Folk/R&B single from Latina artist

Sage Bava strives to envelop you in a healing space through her dark folk/R&B style with hints of Latin undertones. Originally from Odanata in Upstate NY, she spent her childhood surrounded by many different species and nature on a farm, instilling her with a passion to stand up for creatures without a voice and protect our natural world. Hence the name Bava (bad.ass.vegan.advocate). She has solo backpacked all over the world after earning a scholarship to go to a performing arts school in the UK. After working in theatre and living in NYC for a few years she is now going back to her nomadic backpacking ways as a songwriter, musician, creator and yogi. Her music is about overcoming darkness with stories of socio-cultural power dynamics and touches on moods of Neuroplasticity and healing from trauma. She hopes to create healing sounds and share stories of overcoming and growth. Music is a powerful healer.