Face Shields: Get a Revolutionized Outlook on Life

We all have experienced the devastating effects of COVID– 19 and can rarely forget this event in our entire lifetime. This is the case in which a teeny tiny virus shook the entire world. It only brought doom with it in whichever continent it entered. This virus didn’t care about the race, caste, or class of the person infected, sparing none!

This was when humans were entirely helpless, and face shields proved to be a great solution to protect the entire human race.

Face shield: What is it? How does it protect?

Face Shields often come under the category of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These pieces of equipment are made up of Polyethylene Terephthalate Visor sheets. These kits became popular at the time when humans were at their wit’s end. 

When used, it covers not only the entire face but also the neck, providing maximum protection. It not only helped protect the human race from the virus but also from other things which we kept ignoring, for example, insects, road trash, chemicals in the form of liquid or sprays, and other things which were some common nuisances. 

 Why use a face shield: 

  • It not only protects people from being infected but also prevents the spreading of the germ.
  • It is pliable and therefore pleasant to use.
  • It is featherweight and hence can be easily carried.
  • It has no adverse effects on the skin.
  • It not only protects the mouth but the entire face, including the neck. Thus, providing maximum safety from the deadly virus.
  • It reminds the wearer to make the least contact with their face, eyes, nose, and hair. Thereby preventing the chances of the virus entering their body.
  • It can be cleaned easily without the least help. Soap and water are sufficient to clean it. So, it can be used time and again.

When to wear a face shield?

These are suggested if you work in the areas related to food service, spas or salons, healthcare, police, retail stores, etc., i.e., in those fields where you come in close contact with the other person. But looking at the current scenario, wearing face shields should now be made compulsory in almost every sector.

  • Wear it when using public transport like buses, taxis, trains or planes. 
  • Wear it when not vaccinated or partially vaccinated. 
  • To maximize your safety, wear it even after being fully vaccinated.
  • For more protection, wear it after sanitizing yourself.

Face shields have now become a primary asset, an important component in not only our wardrobe but also our lives. Be it travelling with our friends or family or by ourselves, and we need protective gear. The mucous membrane of the person wearing it is protected and prevent contamination from the infected droplets, thus decreasing the rate of infection. Giving it in the form of presents to our loved ones can be a good idea, as this will generate a sense of affection towards them and encouraging them to take proper care of themselves and their surroundings.