Been the Victim of a Car Crash? How to Protect Yourself and Your Interests

Data suggests that while a vast majority of car accidents result in property damages only, 1 in 3 accidents consist of personal injuries to passengers and drivers. What this all means is that thousands of people undergo the personal injury lawsuit process in an attempt to recover compensation. But just like any legal situation, the steps you perform after an accident is important when it comes to protecting your rights as a victim. Today, we take a look at some expert tips to consider when it comes to doing just that.

Stay at the Scene and Call the Police

All vehicles involved within the accident should stay on the scene unless it interferes with traffic. Therefore, if another party attempts to move their vehicle, ensure that you record said individual or bring this to the attention of the authorities. In most cases when you call the police, they’ll send an ambulance to your location as well. Additionally, a police report is essential when it comes to filing a claim with your insurance company and when it comes to seeking financial compensation via personal injury lawsuit.

Make a Detailed Record

Once the police get to the scene of the accident, ensure that you provide an accurate record of the things that occurred. In the event that you aren’t certain about specific facts, ensure that you tell this to the officers. Avoid guessing, speculating or misstating any facts. For instance, if they asked if you sustained an injury, and you aren’t sure, do not tell them no, tell them you aren’t sure. The truth of the matter is that it’s common for victims to experience injuries and pain, hours or even days after the collision actually occurred. You should also make sure that the other party is providing accurate statements as well.

Auto Accident Lawyer

Arguably, the most important thing you can do is to contact an auto accident lawyer. An attorney can assist you when it comes to protecting your rights and ensuring that evidence is not overlooked or discarded. In most cases, the insurance company will attempt to take statements as soon as possible. It’s very important that you speak to a lawyer before providing any statements to the insurance company. Besides protecting your rights, they will provide detailed information on how you can get fully compensated for your vehicle, medical expenses and pain or suffering you endured. You may go visit Uvalle Law Firm to get a free consultation and be guided by an experienced personal injury attorney.

Take Pictures

It’s highly recommended that you take photos of your vehicle if you notice physical damages. Additionally, if you yourself have injuries, you should take a photo of them as well.

As mentioned above, it’s common for victims of car accidents to experience pain hours or days after the fact as a result of an unforeseen injury. Therefore, unless you are 100% sure that you did not sustain an injury you should get medical attention. Fact is, even relatively minor accidents can lead to permanent injuries such as a misalignment of your spinal cord.