Save the date 6/19 and 8/7 – My Music Block TV Awards Nominations event
We are the My Music Block TV Awards.
We believe artists in the pursuit of; creative success and a positive mindset deserve to be rewarded.
The 4th Annual MMBTV Awards are well on the way for August 7th and there is still time to get your nomination in.
OUR NOMINATIONS EVENT is on June 19th at 3pm in San Pablo Ca
This is the perfect opportunity to meet other artists former winners & future winners.
If you would like to attend as a; fan, media, nominee or just want to come to look cute hit us up at mymusicblocktvawards@gmail.com to rsvp as the event is private with limited capacity due to new restrictions.
We reward artists of all backgrounds, media, genres, styles and situations. The only artists we do not honor are those who gave up. So if you’ve been; pounding the pavement if your a trend setter, if you’ve been working hard and never received your proper recognition, then this might be for you!