How to live a minimalist lifestyle as a traveling musician?

It is the dream of many musicians to turn their hobby into a career but that comes at a price. That price is flexibility. To successfully build a music career around you, you need to be able to spend long periods of time on the road, be close to recording studios for session work or flit between local gigs and full-blown international tours. The most successful musicians generally do all three, at least until they have established themselves and made a name in the industry.

When starting out on such a career path, it pays to be close to the action. On-line platforms may have done wonders for the distribution of music and long-distance collaboration but the core of the music industry is still based around a group of musicians gathering together in a studio to make and record music. Places such as London, New York, Washington DC, Berlin and Los Angeles are the more obvious destinations but other cultural hubs are also getting in on the action but no matter where you head for, the considerations and planning that goes into moving remain the same and even if you are not specifically looking for moving companies dc, companies such as Belkin’s will offer lots of information and considerations for you to plan into your move.

But such a nomadic lifestyle often makes you embrace the finer things in life when you can. A month on a tour bus living on truck stop food and studio catering means that home becomes even more of a sacred space and so you will want to surround yourself with the finer things in life. So you find that your collections of CD’s and old music books gradually gives way to things like more grown-up investments in fine furnishings, luxurious home additions and perhaps even wine gift box sets which you can use to build your own personal wine collection or cellar for when you wish to indulge in the grape.

The life of the travelling musician is one of two extremes.The rough and ready touring life of cheap food, poor accommodation and lack of sleep and the luxury and relaxation of a nice home and spending time with the loved ones. One is like cutting a swathe through the artic wilderness over frozen lakes, icy highways and swamp mats for sale to bring much needed supplies to isolated communities, in this case music and culture, the other the high life of fine things and of being surrounded by your loved ones.

The life of the jobbing musician is varied and eclectic and you will probably find that when you are experiencing one side of it you are hankering for the other but do it right and the rewards are many.