How to Use Paraphrasing Tool to Cut Plagiarism in Your Writing

In a scholarly writing, the greatest downfall to be avoided is plagiarism. A beautiful written piece with a high rate of plagiarism has a tendency of being less than perfect through the spectacles of academic scholars.

It also has a possibility of rending the magnanimous credibility of a website to fragmented bits. Writers, therefore, tend to avoid this pitfall by writing up article originally from the scratch to the finish or by the use of various paraphrasing tools. This write up is of the intent to place readers on the platform of enlightenment on how to use a paraphrasing tool to eradicate plagiarism in content writing.

A paraphrasing tool also known as an article rewriter is an online mechanism that happens to transform an existing article or write up to what appears to be a new content. Its working mechanism involves replacing words, phrases, sentences, and also an entire paragraph with various numbers of synonymic words to provide a slightly different version from the already existing version.

It changes the form of sentences through the use of synonymic words slightly different from the original without altering the core meaning of the message passed across to the readers. Many paraphrasing tools utilize a library of synonymic words in the back end to search for replacement words to spin the content.

Paraphrasing tools also can be used as many times.

Having in view that the concept of plagiarism is a fraudulent scholarly act, the use of paraphrasing tools is therefore eminent.

Although writers have classified paraphrasing tools into six (6) various classes – scholarly paraphrasing tool, rewording tool, SEO rewriter tools, text simplification tools, rephrasing tools and word suggestion tools, the use of any of the classification would still generate an expected result. In considering the use of a paraphrasing tool, the following steps are how to go about it.

Get Ready Your Content with our paraphrasing tool:

A paraphrasing tool is an online mechanism that acts upon a specific inserted content. Therefore in order to use this mechanism, one has to generate all the necessary content to be paraphrased. This is the point of one’s research. A paraphrasing tool doesn’t generate content to spin and cannot rewrite contents from the origin without the user inserting some data.

Having the understanding that it functions depends on what you make available makes the use of the tool much easier. You would have to make ready the content in the format you want them to be before been rewritten.

Additionally, when getting your work ready ensure the grammar is in order so not to get an outcome that is less than expected in terms of standards. Despite a fact that the checker carries out most of the labour, it is one’s obligation to tell it what to paraphrase. When the initial information is passed on properly, the process will go as expected in terms of standards.

Have a Level of Confidence in Paraphrasing Tool?

Most writers so often want to be in control by deciding to go through the rigor of paraphrasing or rewording the contents of their article solely. However, if one has to go through this route of online paraphrasing then there should be a level of confidence awarded to the mechanism. The hard way of paraphrasing may lead to a good outcome but by the usage of the tool may result in a better outcome.

The process of exercising some level of confidence on the mechanism entails the insertion of the generated information into a text page provided by the specified paraphrasing tool and depending on the outcome of the rewriting process. The motive behind every act of paraphrasing is to eliminate cases of plagiarism therefore if you decide to go through the rigor of self rewriting of contents then the content needs to be run through a plagiarism checker again.

But with the help of a good paraphrasing tool, the need of running the work through a plagiarism checker would not be necessary because there would be many errors. Nonetheless sticking to method that works (either through a paraphrasing tool or self rewriting) better for a person with limited errors should be encouraged.

Verify the Result by Reading Through:

Although a high level of confidence and trust is given to the paraphrasing tool, evident by recommendations not to overwork the resulted content to avoid unintended errors, it is still of essence to proofread the rewritten content.

Reading the rewritten work over again is essential but in a chase of large write ups the real cost in terms of time exhaustion is bound to occur. Hence, using a grammar checker would conserve a lot of time and money.

Always remember to make a little editing on the rewritten content and also know that if the result after the paraphrasing process is bad then the right tool to be selected is not found. Proofreading and making little corrections on a rewritten content is still a part of the writing process.