Cailin Russo Releases New Track ‘Assume’ + The Drama EP

Speaking about the origins of the song, Cailin reveals, “‘Assume’ came about when my friend Tyler played the line – ‘I assume you love me, I can’t prove you don’t. If that’s all you tell me. Then that’s all I know’ – with the melody on a pretty beat-down Wurlitzer piano (you cannot beat the soul in that piano).”

“I was immediately stunned,” she continues. “He said he was tinkering with the idea and was wondering if I was interested in singing it. I was instantly infatuated with the song and concept, as I just related to the sentiment so heavily. I stopped everything in production and made this song the priority and new launching pad for me post ‘The Drama’ because it’s effortless. It is soulful and gives you relief.”

On the songwriting and recording process of that track, Cailin explains, “It took us three solid 8-hour days to completely crack the song and find all the right parts and arrangements. We dove deep and took the time to properly sculpt the song. I knew I had to make a part B to the chorus. And that’s where we meshed our two bittersweet realities – we’d both been told we were loved but we weren’t convinced and thought that maybe we were being lied to. At least that’s my take on the song… love is underwhelming, when it’s overgrown.”