Gordon Thomas Ward Shows Nothing Stops Him On ‘Eiderdown’

When you think of the phenomenal story-tellers of yesteryear like Bob Dylan, Paul Simon or James Taylor, Gordon Thomas Ward would be in that same vein for Today. This multi-dimensional artist takes listeners on a lyrical journey on his new 2 Volume set called ‘Eiderdown’. Gordon Thomas Ward is setting the gold standard for singer/songwriters for generations to come.

It all started in a historic, haunted home where Gordon Thomas Ward grew up and in a sense where the musical chapter begins. This Grammy-balloted singer-songwriter, recording artist, author and speaker has comprised 16 standout songs on a double album full of heart, truth and inspiration. With heavy elements of folk and Contemporary folk rock, Gordon delivers an unforgettable performance on ‘Eiderdown’. Gordon resides in Winter Harbor, ME and is so musically inclined as he brings descriptive stories to life on the new record. GTW handles many roles on the new album including: lead vocals, harmony vocals, guitars, rhythm and a slew of other instruments and sound effects. There are also a number of talented musicians backing Gordon Thomas Ward on the 16 tracks as I feel pure greatness was created here in the form of music.

Info – https://gordonthomasward.com/eiderdown-the-next-record

Volume 1 starts up with the title track, “Eiderdown’, that tells a tale of a ghost and spooky anomalies taking place along the coastline of Maine. What I hear is a haunting & stormy sound that rushes over you right away and pulls you in. “Eiderdown” is vocally and musically rich with wonderful dynamics in the piece. I also loved the harmonizing chorus and catchy melodies on the title track. Next is “Desiree” that showcases Gordon as a hardcore wordsmith and storyteller not to mention a proficient player. GTW sings and performs with such strong conviction on “Desiree” proving that this singer/songwriter has that IT factor. Track three, “The Ballad of Joseph Martin”, is a song for the soldiers that offers a proud, prideful and patriotic theme. This number will have you rooting for the Red, White and Blue while you “raise your glasses high”. The following song, “Just For You”, is so emotional and has such a deeply sensitive touch. The words behind this song will hit you inside with its personal and heartfelt matter. Track five, “Satellites”, is all about pushing forward while searching for truth and reason in this life. Next, we have “Piety of Thieves” that exhibits a calm fashion yet includes a stern lesson that is meant to call out certain individuals. There is a glorious presence on “Piety of Thieves” that will make you stop and contemplate what really matters. Track seven, “Four Angels”, hits on trying times that centers around students killed during the Kent State massacre. This tragedy unfolds right before your ears as Gordon captures the pain & horror in a most profound manner. The line “Flowers are better than Bullets” is a repeated phrase that sticks in your mind and will have you realizing that “Four Angels” is much more than a simple song. Prepare to get lost in a world of “Dreams” and just lose yourself for 2:50 with this loving lullaby for the ages. “Dreams” will put your mind, body and soul in a tranquil state and allow you to free yourself of all worry & stress.

Volume 2 kicks things off with a social anthem called “The Ghost of Hugh Thompson” that provides excellent guitar chords humming through your eardrums. With lines like: “Divided” and “All newscasts sound the same”, Gordon urges everyone to rise up, stand up and speak up for what you believe in no matter what. Track 10, “Longing”, offers a sad sentiment directed toward the reality of those battling Alzheimer’s disease. The listener will feel the damaging effects Alzheimer’s disease has on people through the power of song. I also enjoyed the wonderful female vocal that blended in nicely on “Longing”. Next, we have “Truth (I Will Rise)” that highlights Gordon Thomas Ward standing tall while hitting you with cold, hard facts and God’s honest truth. Track 12, “Long, Long Ago”, is history being told regarding the decline of the coal industry in our country. This song burns right through you and your conscience as you pick up on a sense of a hard working mentality that never dies. GTW wants us all to wake up and smell the coffee on “Are You Sleeping?” where he reiterates that “our society is bleeding”. “Are You Sleeping?” urges individuals to step up to the plate and take action instead of always pointing the finger and blame toward others. Track 14, “Still Calling”, is for those we miss; this song’s for you. This number is beautifully orchestrated and comforting to take in. With Gordon expressing that “I’m still calling you”, it solidifies the point that loved ones may no longer be here in the physical sense but their spirit and memories live on forever. On the song “Endless Horizons”, one will get hit with an ear-opening experience that will have you walking down the path of dreams, hope and uncertainties. Gordon Thomas Ward closes the show in style on “Somersetin Lullaby”, which contains a glowing melody that shines on way past the 2:18 running time.


It comes as no surprise to me at all to discover that Gordon Thomas Ward is referred to as “the total package” by his fans because he truly is that good. ‘Eiderdown’ is a pure, musical work of art that supplies carefully constructed compositions that speak to different parts of our psyche. Gordon Thomas Ward is the quintessential voice for today as he carries on the legacy and embraces the torch when it comes to masterful singer/songwriter material.

By Jimmy Rae – https://twitter.com/2JRae